As a resident of upstate New York State, I'm used to odd weather patterns. If you wake up to a clear, sunny day, it can come as no surpriseĀ that the ground could be covered in snow before dark. Any weather that occurs in the range from 30-70 F should be expected. We barely ever have extreme temperatures under 10 F or greater than 80 F. I myself consider myself pretty acclimatized, as any temperature in the typical range doesn't faze me. I love decent snow in the winter and warm breezes in the summer.
Hey, this happened a few times last week. It only took me an hour longer to get home though.
I have my PC's and a console side by side in the upstairs, north-west corner of the house. I live a few miles outside town, with a few acres of property, and with considerable variation in the weather. I've seen a lot of things. I've worn gloves while playing on the PC, pilled blankets and sweatshirts on top of me and my controller. I've donned headphones when the wind picks up and the thunderstorms roar (that is when the power doesn't go out, which happens on a monthly basis). I love where I live, and I like living isolated. I can stand loud weather and cold nights without power, but there is one thing I can't stand. It's the heat.
With two rigs, a console, a router and other assorted gear turned on, that room can cook. When the temperature goes above 90, I lose my mind. I've always said that you can get warm by moving around or adding more layers. There is no effective way to get cool when the air conditioner is on, fans are blazing, and I'm in my undergarments. I try not to keep the air conditioner on too often, but the thermostat isn't in the hottest room either.
I'm looking for answers, and where else could I turn too than those who blog at Gamespot. Here are my meager attempts:
- Strip down to only the essential garments. You're not using video chat so who gives a crap.
- Get multiple fans. Don't limit your options here. I've a USB fan, a desk-mounted fan and an oscillator going at the same time.
- Minimize your devices. If you're not on Steam or Xbox Live, shut off the router. Anyone have a relatively cool running model?
- Stay hydrated, but avoid tall glasses. The end game is when you spill the nectar of sustenance.
- Take a break. I've had to get up and move around somewhere else for a while.
- The washcloth has multiple functions. Keep a moist one on your head to prevent overheating.
Have you heard of China? They make great cheap stuff.
I've been way more successfully at playing in the cold. Here are some tips for winter gaming:
- They make thin pairs of gloves and fingerless gloves. They could be a good investment.
- Fleece blankets are cheap. My grandma visited a fabric store and bought a ton where you don't even need to stick up the edges. You can even use a wireless controller from under them.
- If you're desperate or really cheap (like me), look at a portable space heater. My mom loves that thing.
- It's proven that most of your body heat escapes from your heat. Wear a hat.
- Again, take a break. Walking around for a minute gets the bold flowing.
Orange isn't really my color, but there are many choices.
If you have something to add or comment on, please leave advice below! I'm not exactly a pathological gamer or an addicted to gaming. As a full-time college student studying Engineering and a full-time position for the summer and other breaks I've got to make efficient use of time and money.
When I have limited time to game, I'm gaming regardless of weather. I'll be here in my boxer's finishing off Dragon Age II before I slowly melt.