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Why Are Older Games Better? [Response]

The simple answer: nostalgia.

We remember our first games more because of the way they shaped us. The first video game I ever played was Pokemon: Blue Version. That game was the most mind blowing thing ever. It's really no surprise, every kid who grew up in the 90's remembers Pokemon. I was the right age and it was the right time; that's kind of like the definition of a fade.

However, any Pokemon game that comes out since then is substandard. No, I haven't played every version since, but I just know. This may sound like prejudice and I guess it is a bit. Improvements in games tend to steamroll over the old. Sure there are games that need improvements and got them, but they were never the same as the old tried an true. This is essentially the same as your grandparents saying "Back when I was your age..." or something to that effect.

The key point here: We wouldn't typically play a sequel if we didn't like the original, or hear about the hype.

Hype is a big factor. It's human nature to want to check out what's popular, so we see if we enjoy riding on the proverbial bandwagon. I missed Mass Effect 1, but when I heard about the awesomeness I tried it.

Every try a sequel before the original? Then try the original after? It's not the same, we've been spoiled. We'lldefinitely check out the 3rd in the series, assuming we liked it at all.

Disagree? Think I'm out in left field? Please, let me know what you think. I'm getting bored here, and where my KoTOR 3?