@simplytheebest: i did not get owned and no one can prove it runs 64 bit.....i still cant find anything that says it runs anything other extended 32 bit........none of you are willing to proved fact or links to what you say.......so morons saying things on the internet still dont matter....
@TheZeroPercent: not true at all.....finding way to make things cheaper got them out to greater numbers....a VCR cost 2 grand in 1979 because of what went in to it......VCR's made in the early 80's were a lot less because they found better way to make the parts in side it......same with computers.....people wanting it or not most computers are server grade stuff fro 10 years ago.......10 years ago a system with dual quad cores, 8gb of memory and a terabyte harddrive was server level.....you can get that in a console today for 250 bucks.......
@kazeswen: people do care and on top of it you said the witcher would not run on a 5 year old computer only to proven wrong with it running on a 6 year old computer.......i agree all hardware will be outdated at one point.....most hardware is outdated in less then a year.....but with most games taking at least 2 years to program hardware is moving on faster then the programming can keep up.....their has to be a balance
@theuncannyone: it took modders when it first came out to get it to run right on PC.....fallout 4 took mods to run right for the first 2 months on PC as well......that has nothing to with me.....
@darkelf83: that is what sucks about this gen i wish nintendo could have done more....the hardware with the tablet controller in so many games would have been AWESOME......fallout 4 with the controller as the pipboy ......tactical maps screens in first person shooters......sniper rifle scopes in sniper elite 3......bomb sites in war thunder......man the list just keeps going.....i get nintendo will always be the game system made mostly for kids but man i wish they would do more....
@gotrekfabian: thank you....and they cant even buy out the full rights as a ton of them still make it to PC.....they tried to get no mans sky a PS4 only game with no PC support when they were making it only for PC in the first place.....
@SavageEvil: in 3 years sony has less then 10 games they made worth playing on their own system......the 3rd party games that are only on PS4 also all got a PC version for the most part........i dont know what you sony ponies missed
@suicidesn0wman: at least you see it wont run 60 frames at 4k.....i had some guy up my crawl the other day with some pod cast from the inner jerk off circle saying it was going to be 60 frames for every game .......on top of that in PC land 200 bucks gets you 5.5tf with a AMD 480.......its going to take optimization to get even 30 frames at 4k......
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