@TheZeroPercent: its really consumers first version and first gen always cost more for new tech........it will be cheap soon.....by 3rd gen we will set up costing 200 bucks.....wait 5 years.....
@kazeswen: you cant really compare the to of them for one main reason....programmers are still working on the level of the console 4 years after release and the PC people are working on the newest hardware.....a 5 year old PC with the optimization level of consoles would kick the crap out of it.....a 580 came out in 2010.....that card optimized could do many things.....running the witcher 3 as it sits it got 40 frames average with high settings.....so a now 6 year old computer would still run witcher 3 BETTER then PS4 did with it being 30 frames in most of the game......
@beantownsean: still running a 955 with a gtx 970.....it plays almost anything i want at good setting but im grabbing a 8350 CPU when i see one used for 80 bucks again......
@suicidesn0wman: it better be life time for people that have it and 60 for people to buy in to it new......but on the flip side it would be nice to see support for the old games keep going......i keep hearing console gamers say they want to play stuff like bad company 2 but cant as the 360 server are taken down.....i still play it on PC and a lot of server are full.....well like at least 30 at most times but if console player could get on as well im sure the servers would be full....
@TruthSerum808: 500 to 600 would be on par......PC side of things a AMD 480 is running 5.5tf and is selling for 200 bucks today at retail.......getting the rest of the parts for 400 bucks to go along with a 100 dollar stand alone chip could be done
@drizzygadget: im in for 500 bucks......the AMD 480 is 5.5tf and it only 200 bucks today.......if its 200 bucks today at retail a chip just a little better wont cost more then a 100 bucks to produce in 6 months.....the other parts wont cost more then 400 bucks to build.....so 500 it is.....and yes i bookmarked it.....
@sladakrobot: it was not rumored and sony took all of it and turned it to the PS1.....but your right the power supplies were a pain and games using both the 32x and CD drive were nightmares....i got one when they dropped to 19.99 and the games were 2 dollars each as saturn was on the shelf already.....also got my virtual boy the same way.....paid 15 bucks for it new in the box and bought every game they had in stock for about 80 bucks after said they would no longer make them......toys R' us always got rid of stuff cheap in the old days....now 5 dollars worth of plastic is 150 bucks in a lego set.....
@simplytheebest: we cant get to that point.....and it would so easy to make things up-gradable.....USB-C ports will let you run a external GPU.....they could always make the APU a socket something that could be changed.....
but your right.....they will probably start slapping out new consoles every 2 years with premium units in there as well......if people will be so stupid as to pay 600 bucks for a cell phone every year why not make them pay 600 bucks for a console every year.......gaming is going to suck man......i see a broken world like droid were it say it will run on you version of ice cream but it really only work on kit kat or above......
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