@Metalnoid: it seems like the best way to go.....hardware is getting dirt cheap and the level the new video cards have should keep people gaming for a couple of years no problem.....i just wish we had the optimization the consoles had....im sick of updating drivers and having to down settings to get old game to run the same frame rate..... this only started happening after i upgraded to 10 from 7(yes i did 2 clean installs and it fixed nothing)
@Marikhen: BF4 on windows 7 running the 64bit version of the game was running 5.2 to .4 on my computer and i only ran the game at 1368x768 but i had resolution scaling at 200......on top of that the consoles use EXTENDED X86 and this version of 32bit can use more then 3.5gb of memory standard 32bit can.....
@buginthesystem: i see it more as the disc coming with a set of instructions for each hardware level......half the problems with PC is tweaking settings to get the most out of your system.....and lots of consoles gamers just want to plug and play with out taking 10 hours to get the best frame rate out of a 100 settings like most PC games....it will be interesting to see where they go with it.......even if they give games settings i bet money the same setting/and or setting levels wont be on both consoles....consoles have always been able to played in 5 minutes right out of the box(well until updates started) and people will still want that....on top of all of that the programmers only have 4 things to code for now PS4, neo, scorpio and one.....they should be able to ring every drop out of the hardware on each version......BUT on the flip side did we just go to a point were we are constantly having a older gen holding on??? if they keep going like this will we hit a point with PS4.3 that 4.0 is no longer supported??? are we going to see graphics in games looking likes kids with crayons VS painters with paint brushes???.......at some point i think they would have to drop support for older hardware but they would be able to keep the games......i dont know we will have to wait and see
@DarqStalker: wow you are stupid.....we have 9tf computer not able to run every game at 60 frames on a 4k screen and you think 6tf will.......nothing more need to be said.....i dont care what the people of the console are saying as they are trying to sell you something....like 4k at 30 frames.....take you pod casts and shove them up your ass
@Tekarukite: the AMD 480 is 5.5tf.......and 200 dollars.....if you cant build a 6tf computer for 600 bucks today you dont know what your doing on PC.......you only need a i3 and the 480 to get over the 6tf mark right now TODAY.......
@normanislost: if a 480 is only 200 bucks now a 580 should be along the same price line.....so real world i could take a old PC running a AMD 8350 and end up with something better then the console for a 200 dollar upgrade....its also good for the PC market and way cheaper then a new console....
@normanislost: even easier.....they keep doing APU style set ups with the GPU and the CPU next to each other....so one cooler and one fan.....and i was wrong about the 900 bucks....it was 600 i missed typed.....a 480 with a i3 would put you over 6tf.....
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