@bdrtfm: your not the norm for the PC gaming crowd......gone are the days of sitting at desks.....i have mine in the living room for over a decade.....and i no longer know anyone that games at a desk even if one is in the living room with the normal TV.....
@graffitiheart: the fact you did not buy the lappy for gaming is all the proof i need.....PC gamers would have bought just based on gaming.....that is why you are not one.....no trying to bust your balls but its like saying a stock camro is a drag car because its been on a track a couple of times......
@Archangel3371: i hate to say it but we may see a point were things just upgrade to much.....new consoles every 3 years means people will stick with one for 6 years now matter how many new ones come out......console life cycles are going to get really short if they dont make them upgrade-able like computers.....
@biddym: yeah go back and look at that list.....was something like street fighter on that list??? if so you need to cross it off.....if its out on PC its not exclusives no matter what your about to say.....if the SAME game can be play on something else its no longer exclusive......with games like fallout 4 selling better on PC then one or PS4 you must count PC as a place to play the SAME game.......(the PC version out sold the PS4 version and did almost double the numbers of the one version from the last numbers i saw).....so if its the same game can you say its exclusive???
@Pedro: but we do.....i got both just to play games i cant get on PC....now i wont have to do that with a tons of only on PS4 games making it to PC and now one opening the library to us....
@deadlyshadow698: im with on you on a lot of points.....i got both of the new consoles just to play games i cant get on other systems......BUT.....big one here this means we may no longer have to do that......lots of games only on PS4 are making it to PC.....with this now all i will do is upgrade hardware when they put out a new console every 3 years.....and it also means i may only have to get to the new console level of hardware to keep playing.....good things could be coming for cheap PC gamers....the fact the gtx750 sold so well shows a lot of us are out there.....
@suicidesn0wman: to easy to get around....and war thunder cant use a controller.....as for games on PC with it being on the USB bus you can just emulate a Xbone controller in the back round and map it to KB/M......and i never said anything about M/KB in the first place....i rape people in warthunder because im running 120 frames and have no input lag.....
but im WITH YOU......i see dark days coming for PC were people are locked down to 30 or 60 frames or what ever the next consoles can run when playing these games online VS PC(me hopes we get PC only servers able to run mods and modded maps with high tick rates)......on top of that we may get to a point where you just need the level of hardware the consoles have....as the years go by the 480 most people think the next console are based on will be found for 50 bucks.......i just sold my 4gb 770 for 75.......so game makers will have to keep making something able to use the nice new video cards from both makers.......dark days could be coming for PC......
last i also see other problems coming just getting everything to run.....with the consoles running 32bit extended and most stuff on PC running 64 bit are we going to see those games running 32bit version on PC??? we will have to wait and find out......sorry stoned in the middle of the night thinking out loud to a known gamer......let me know what you think
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