smooth11's forum posts
I want a PS3 for MGS4, but my wife says there has to be at least 5 games that I want for the system in order for it to be worth it, and here's the extra catch; one of them has to be something she wants.
So far I only have 2 for myself:
Metal Gear Solid 4
Resident Evil 5There are several games I am also willing to try, but I don't really see them as system sellers (Defined as games I will play more than once, and at least 5 years from now. These games could be system sellers, but I've never tried them.)
Such as:
Orange Box
Call of Duty 4
Assassin's Creed
I'll also note Final Fantasy 13, but that game has as much potential to be a failure as it does to be great.My wife likes Rock Band, and so we'll probably end up with that, but she wont count it as "her game."
So here's where I need your help; I need at least two more games that are justifiably system sellers, and I need one game that she likes. I like everything except for sports games pretty much, so I'm easy.
However, what she likes is something else. She can't play things that require too much coordination; so although she is a fan of MGS along with me, it's only a game she'll watch. The game for her has to be something she willl play.
She likes RPGs and easy-cake action games like Zelda or Dark Cloud. I think what she likes most of all is Harvest Moon and she said if there was any sort of dating sim, that would be enough for her.
Now you might think "This is your system, you should go out and buy it regardless of what your wife thinks, you whipped wuss." But the fact is I have to convince her that it's in our budget to drop the $500 at all.
Help me out if you can!
Oh, and for the record; I have moral qualms with GTA in general, so GTA is completely out.
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