I cant believe that we are MORE than halfway through this year already it sort of snuck up on me so to speak... My mind is still somewhere in march, waiting for it to catch up i guess. Well this year has definately seen funny things happen, like for example the wii's unexpected success, which leads me to think that we are all a bunch of snot nosed adolesent kids... but hey, if its fun its fun, that is untill you break your tv screen pretnding to beat down on a million raving rabbits.
The whole 360 vs ps3 thing is beginnig to get a bit old for me personally. Logic persits that the ps3 is better than the 360 and that will be quite evident in year or so, however like all things in life you will have pay for quality. However the ps3 price cut will come as a welcome to most. Which brings me to another point, I live in South Africa and as such am subjected to paying european prices and as far as i know they have not had a price cut yet, we are expected pay R6400.00 (around 914 us dollars) so as you may have guessed i dont have a ps3 yet!!!!!!! Perhaps a 360 might be in order!
I wonder what the rest of this has instore....mmm
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