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Too many people are gone...
A long time ago before the Internet existed, we got our gaming news from our local magazines and teletext (anyone remember that) Back then Nintendo and sega could get away with having different names for their consoles because we didn't know any better. (famitsu, nintendo, genesis, mega drive)
Then the internet was invented and that SHOULD have all changed.We have a world economy with instant news. From that moment on gaming also became the same across the world. PSone, PS2, xbox, xbox360. Then the PS3 came and that all change forever.America got a 60gig and 20gigmodels with an emotion chip. then the 20gig version was gotten rid of and an 80gig version was brought out with no emotion chip but software emulation
In europe the 20 gig was supposed to arrive but never did. Instead we got the 60gig version with noemotion chip for BC. it used softrware emulation instead, THEN we got the value pack. which is the console that should be in every market. the only one that makes sense. a 60gig PS3, 2 controllers, 2 games and the price has been dropped from 600eur to 500eur. but unfortunatly sony is discontinuing this model??????????????????????????????
japan have gotten a couple of console too. I just can't remember what the all are.
Now Sonys marketing monkeys have decidedl ets add another couple of SKUs. europe is getting a 40gig version of the PS3 with no BC. apparently because they did some market research and everyone was like "I don't want no backwards compatability"SONY, YOU NEVER ASKED ME. it is rumored that Americais getting the 40gig PS3 now, but hopefully you'll keep the 80gig model. And now japan are getting the 40gig. but just incase things weren't enoying enough they aregetting a white one....................
I miss the good old days where i just bought a console. Now its like buying a PC. I should really wait for directX 10 but then I'll have to get vista and I want Windows XP.
I think that the Playstation 3 as we know it now and probobly as it was shown at E3 2005 was not suppposed to be release until atleast winter 2007 and probobly 2008. The hardware is arguably ahead of its time when it comes to home console systems. It costs $600, Its clearly unfinished with all the version updates they've done already. (I think its up to 1.7) and The online for the console is currently being hacked together with peices taken from Myspace, Xbox Live, and Second Life
Lets look at it if they had gotten that extra year or two. I'm sure they could have Figured out how to build the console for atleast $500, There online wouldn't be such a crazy mess and the firmware wouldn't have to be Updated almost monthly. I don't beleive Kutaragi-San is to blame for the shape the Playstation is in right now. Microsoft is and Sony is. Microsoft rushed into this generation where they are doing relatively well because they tanked in the previous generation. I beleive that made Sony worried and they forced the early shipping of the PS3.
I want too say something that people may disagree with, but what if sony decided to wait until the PS3 was ready and continue to support the PS2. As far as i know the PS2 still beats all console sales evry month (maybe not the DS). Over 100 Millon have been sold so its safe to say that if Sony continued to support the console, 3rd parties would aswell. Sony jumped the gun. In my opinion its a mistake that didn't need to be made. The PS2 has plenty of juice left, its cheaper to make games for. Its cheaper for us to buy the games for and They are still a lot of good games which can be made for it.
Kutaragi is being put out to hang and some people are saying he deserves it. His vision was to build a console which, i believe was supposed to enter the market much later then it did. The PS3 is not doing well right now and anyone with any sense should know that this will change but i still beleive it has done irreparable damage to the inner workings of Sony Entertainment which will be seen in the future.
I know yeah may have seen it on you Tube but i just had to share it with the masses
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