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Games I want to See at E3 and guesses as to what they'll be about

Here is my list of Games I hope to see at E3 this year

1. HALO 5 (Do you have to guess it'll pick up where 4 left of)

2. Left 4 Dead 3 (The Zombie Epidemic in the Western United States, Asia, or Europe)

3. Call of Duty 2013 (Fingers crossed that it'll be World War I, Korea or a full Vietnam game unlike Black Ops which just had Khe Shan and Hue City or a Black Ops 3 forcusing on Agent Hudson's early missions in the 1950s and Early 60s a Modern Warfare 4 focusing on the post-World War III or a pre-20th Century war like the American Civil War, Spanish-American War, Boxer Rebellion, or Russo-Japanese war or if they go back to WWII make it a full scale China-Burma-India-Pacific Campaign from Pearl Harbor to Okinawa (sorry I have a personal reason or wanting that, my grandfather was a veteran of the china-burma-india-pacific campagin) or a full scale Eastern Front Campaign from Barbarossa to the Fall of Berlin not these bits and pieces)

4. Transformers: War for Earth (Sequal to Fall of Cybertron)

5, My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic (Becoming an offical game instead of a hack, that is an XBLA-PSN Exclusive) couldn't resist on that one, I'm not ashamed to admit it that MLP: Friendship is Magic is my favorite show

6. New Star Wars Games focusing on the Dark Times and the Rise of Darth Vader or set in the New Jedi Order and Legacy Eras

7. Middle-Earth RPG (A Non-Hobbit/LOTR baised game set in Middle-Earth during the First, Second or pre-Hobbit Third Age)

9. Assassin's Creed 4 (American Civil War or Early 20th Century)

10. Silmarilian RPG (An adapation of LOTR's pequel Silmarillian)

11. New Castlevania

12. Shadow of the Colossus 2 or Shadow 1 port

13. Dishonored 2

14. Batman: Arkham 3

15. Fallout 4

16. Mortal Kombat 2

17. Street Fighter 5

I have left off a lot of Nintendo but that's because in my own opinion (I stress that this is my own personal opinion nothing more and nothing less) is that there isn't much to wet my appitite. Microsoft and Sony give their console shinny new updates and tons of new and excellent games, while Nintedo seems to be stuck in a time warp thinking it's still 1991 and we all read comic books written by Rob Liefeld and feature heroes so off off their rocker they'd be locked in a loony bin with Jason Voorhees for the rest of their lives. The WiiU may be an interesting piece of hardware by why do you need to hold the controler to your face for sniping, when just clicking the thumb stick and having the scope zoom never was an issue, not even Kinect and Move were that brainles, and well Mario, Metroid, Zelda and Pokemon, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NINTENDO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT INSTEAD OF JUST SELLING US MARIO 3, OCARINA OF TIME, ZELDA 1, AND POKEMON RED AND BLUE WITH JUST DIFFERENT WALL PAPER BUT NO CHANGE IN THE STORY, BOWSER AND GANNON KIDNAP THE PRINCESSES FOR THE 10,000TH TIME AND MARIO AND LINK HAVE DO THEIR PREVERBIAL MUST SAVE PRINCES OR WORLD IS DOOMED, seriously Bowser, Gannon if kidnapping the Princess didn't work the first time what makes you think it'll work the next 500,000 times AND POKEMON IS STILL "WE'RE TOO CHEAP TO PAY FOR SCHOOL SO LETS SEND THE KIDS OUT INTO THE WILDERNESS TO FACE WILD ANIMALS WHILE WE STAY AT HOME AN SPEND THEI COLLEGE FUND. I mean have a plague threaten to wipe out the Pokemon and the kid has to find a cure, or have a Princess Peach userped and Mario must restore her to the throne or hae a new villian from beyond Hyrule launch a massive invasion just enough of the Princess gets kidnapped and you must save her or gotta cath-em all PLEASE