I figured it might be fun to post my personal favorite Video Game Series, keep in mind these are my own opinions.
7. Ninja Gaiden (Multiplatform): I've always loved martial arts films, and Ninja Gaiden is one of those series that does a great job captureing the feel of a martial arts movie. My only real complaint is the difficulty is out of control, some fights area strole down easy street whileothers are like running headlong into a brick wall, and some fightsare extremely unfair toward the player,(example: inNinja Gaiden Black: Facing off against two tanks and a helicopter gunship armed only with a bow and arrow)
6. HALO (Xbox/Xbox 360): While most tend to like HALO simply for the Multiplayer, I usually play it for the Single Player Experence, since I'm a huge fan of big epic science fiction stories.
5. Street Fighter (Multiplatform): I'm a big fan of fighting games, and Street Fighter's decent controls and fast speed make it one of the best series, however my biggest complaints are it's setting: The Real World with some fantasy elements and the lack of blood
4. Castlevania (Multiplatform): Growing up I was raised on old horror movies, and the Castlevania series captures the dark gothic atmosphere of those old horror films, and also does a great job expanding on the original Bram Stoker Novel.
3. Mortal Kombat (Multiplatform): Once again, I enjoy Mortal Kombat's blood and gore,I personally findinserting the blood makes it more realistic, i.e. if you compete in a realno holdsbar martial arts tornament you're more then likely going to getbloodied pretty badly. Unlike Street Fighter, which is all over the place with it's story line,Mortal Kombat has a single coheren storyline, and a dark more fantasy like setting.
2. Any World War II Game (Multiplatform): My grandfather was a World War II Veteran, so that alone explains why I love World War II games so much
1. Star Wars (Multiplatform): What can I say, I absolutly love anything Star Wars related. Star Wars is often seen as the definitive Science Fantasy Series, and many of the Star Wars video games do a great job expanding on the Star Wars Universe