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Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li Review

I'll be the first to admit, that the new Street Fighter Movie caught me off guard, after the disaster that was Street Fighter The Movie (1994 and staring Jean Claude Van Dame and Raul Julia in his second to last role (the 1995 drama Down Came a Blackbird was the last film Julia would make before his death) it looked as if no one would touch the franchise with a ten foot pole. Well, I finally got a chance to see it today, and in my opinon the results were mixed.

Legend of Chun Li is essentually a prequel to the Street Fighter games with the plot essentually telling Chun-Li's origins. In terms of the film itself, Legend has a far better cast, and marks the return of Robin Shou (who played Liu Kang in the Mortal Kombat Films) as Chun-Li's mentor Gen, and sticks closer to the backstory outlined in the games, specificially Bision infusing the good half of his soul into Rose and the murder of Chun-Li's father at Bison's hands. Unlike the 94 film, in which Balrog is portrayed as a camera man, and a good guy, Balrog is portrayed as Bison's right hand man, as well as his chief enforcer, also differing from the 94 film is that Bison's organization: Shadaloo is presented as a Mafia esque Terrorist Group, as opposed to a country/city. One of the biggest improvements though is M.Bison himself, specifically in his portrayl. In the original film he was seen as little more then a deranged General with delusions of grandure, in Legend though, his portayl is that of a sadisitic monster with no remorse, who kills and tortures the innocent for his own amusement, while at the same time mansqurading as a swave saphistocated gentelman.

The fight scenes are also far better corographed then Street Fighter 94, and many special movies such as the Haiduken actually look like how they are portrayed in the game. However, in all of the major fights (Chun-Li vs. Vega, Gen vs. Balrog, Gen vs. M. Bison, and Chun-Li vs. M. Bison) the character's special moves are rarely used, had they used the special moves more often, the fight scenes could have had a far bigger impact.

Story wise is where the movie falls apart though, the primary plot of the movie is taking down Bison and Shadaloo, however it is told from two points of view: Chun-Li's and Charlie Nash's. The story is also where Chun-Li's character differes from the game. In the game Chun Li is an Interpol Agent, seeking revenge against M. Bison for the Murder of her father. While revenge is still Chun-Li's motive, the film portrays her as a wealthy concert pianest who over time transforms into a Batman-esque vigilantie working for the Order of the Web.

Over all Legend of Chun-Li is a vast improvement over Street Fighter 94, but it still falls short, owing to it's cleche story line, lack of special moves, and the lack of fan favorite characters like Blanka, Ryu and Ken. However many people chose to lable this a bad movie, simply because Kristin Kreuk doesn't look like the Chun-Li in the Video Game. However, the Chun-Li in the video game is simply a drawing created in a developer's mind, and it's impossible to find any actress that looks exactally like her.