I know it's been a week since the King of Pop's death, I've tried for a long time now to express my thoughts on the end of an era, and the loss of an icon.
In many ways the only good thing that has come from MJ's death is that his suffering is finally over. Every time I saw one of his videos or saw him on the news I couldn't help but wonder if this was simply a cover for a man who was running from his past, or trying to have the childhood he lost so long ago.
Here was a man who was on top of the world, and looked as though his story and legacy would be one of triumph, instead he was reduced to a laughing stock by the media who saw fit to publish any news about him, be it true, rumors or out right lies. In his later years, I can't help but feel that the world was taking pleasure from MJ's pain, and that we wanted him convicted simply because he was rich and famous, not because he was guilty or innocent, and now I can't help but wonder if we're shedding crocodile tears, because we no longer have Michael Jackson to make fun of.
The saddest part of all of this is that Michael was never able to reconcile with his father, his ex-wife,or his brothers, and in a sad way he died as he lived:aloneand misunderstood.