My top Ten list for the worst featuresand practicesin video games.
10. Bad Translations: Especally in Role-Playing Games, I've lost count of howmany times I've gotten lost or killed in a game because I mis-read or couldn't make out the clues.
9. Bad Instructions: Especally with older games, have you ever played a game where just figuring out the basic and controlsare a chore in itself, and you have to guess what you're suppose to do.
8. Recycled Games: I'm looking at you Nintendo. Basically recylcling an older hit game (Mario and Zelda) to a newer console but using the SAME STORYLINE OR PLOT DEVICE EVERY SINGLE TIME
7. Brain Dead AI: How many times do you think a game will be a challenge, but you can breeze through it with no problem or do an escort mission that you fail constantly thanks to AI being a pre-school flunk out.
6. Cliffhanger Endings: What's the chance of there being a sequal to a game that bombed on the market, yet the ending is left unresolved, leaving you wondering what happens next.
5. Bad Cameras: Ninja Gaiden I'm looking in your direction. The Ninja Gaiden Series is probably the definitive Ninja game out there, yet there is one thing that keeps it from being perfect: THE BLASTED CAMERA IS SO BADLY DESIGNED IT'S A BIGGER ENEMY THEN ANY OF THE FIENDS OR NINJAS YOU ENCOUNTER DURING THE ENTIRE GAME!!!!!!!
4. Lying in the Title: Street Fighter 2010or Contra Force anyone, how many times has this happened to you? you buy a game, especally an older game, because it has the title of a great series of games on the front cover, only to find out it has nothing to do with the seriesand just has the name for making money.
3. Falling off cliffs: Mirror's Edge, Shadows of the Empire, the list goes on, how many times has this happened, you have to navagate a narrow ledge, without loosing your balance, yet you still fall off and having to restart.
2.Overhyping: Turning Point, Sega 32X, Sega CD, 3DO, ET, Atari Jaguar, Rise of the Robots the list goes on.How many timeshas an ad campaign fora big name release, be it a console or game,get you so hyped up that you can'twait for it, only for it to turn out to behorrendous, and leaving you feel like you waisted5 months or 2 years of your life.
1. Crashing, Power Failures, Glitchs,or Freezing during the final boss fight and you forgot to save: How many times has thishappened to you, you've playedthrough thehardest level on the hardest setting and you're one hit point away from wining, and suddenlythe power goes out, or your console/computer freezes, crashes orglitches out, and you realize you didn't save your game, and now you have to startthe level or the entire game all over again.