I cracked out the old N64 today to have a day of Retro-goodness.
Popping in the Goldeneye cartridge, I started out on the Dam level I felt chills up my spine as I quickly gained the sniper rifle and popped a cap in the back of an unsuspecting guard, memories of childhood excitement flooded back. I quickly made my way through the first level, not forgetting to use the moving truck as cover, and getting to the dam's platform. I almost filled with tears as the cutscene kicked in as the man who is smoother than a silk coushin lept into a perfectly executed freefall. Christmas '97 all over again.
After playing through a few levels, switching on a few cheats and standing face to face with Colonel Ourumov as he awaited my arrival, unaware that my invisible self was in front of him, ready to paintball him back to Russia. I decide to have a pop at something else.
I pick up Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I stand staring at the cartridge and reluctantly convince myself to put it down as I know that I cannot relive the adventure for time is not as generous as it was when I was 13 years old, work will eventually arrive and that will mean temporarily relieving Link of his quest and that is something I would be unable to do.
With that said I start putting Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong and Majora's Mask aside, I pick up Clayfighter 63 1/3 a sudden earge for a hammer overcomes me but I fight it off and un-gently place the game to one side.
At last, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is in my hands. Quickly I flick through the menu to just get into the action. Im humming the Star Wars tune as I start taking out some Imperial bad guys on Tatooine while shouting 'I am your father!'. After strapping myself in to a few other Rebel craft, knock about some TIE's, AT-AT's, Storm Troopers etc... and having probably hummed the entire John Williams Star Wars score I decide to retire the N64 for another day...maybe tommorrow, 14th birthday all over again here I come
snakey31652 Blog
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