Couldn't agree with you more Mrzentropa..the BETA is far from MoH2010..and for me, that's not a winner..good thing they released the BETA becuase I was blindly going to reserve and buy..what a dissapointment..
HAHA..I was thinking the same thing the last time I was playing actuall does have some similarities, all they needed was a jump option and they would have had SOCOM..
This is one of my favorite things to do whenever i go out to an EB, gamestop, best buy..etc..etc. I've been pondering getting one...and everytime i ask around.."do own one?...what's ur toughts?...would u get one?...," the responses are almost identical..."it's overrated..the same games are out on the 360 anyway..they look the same...the launch titles tanked..360 is cheaper..."..yada yada. It's all the same..the rep will tell u ps3's features, capability, etc etc..sounds impressive, but u corner them and ask em about their own personal take on it..."my personal opinion" is what u begin to hear before they try to still make that sell with a 360. The reps are adding injury to the system..I can give them some comebacks on certain feedback, but on things like "the games are out already on the 360" and "the games that are being put out for the ps3 are old hashed out titles from last year when the 360 came out"..I can help to think that maybe sony is shooting themselves in the foot...they aren't getting many exclusive titles..and the stuff that's being put out is already or will be on the other consoles..they need to push out MGS4 quick or a GT game...the lack of exclusive games are choking the be honest, the only 2 decent games that are out is resistance and motorstorm, they're exclusive and they motivated me (a 360 owner) to save up for my ps3...heavenly sword has the potential to own...and i know that i have bashed the "mythical" killzone 2, they need to flush out some news regarding killzone 2, get hype going and sell more...
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