i found it hillarious in css when you change some of the server config for physics and when you shoot someone in the head and kill them they do a backwards flip and headbut the ground!
meh i lost out two emblems mainly because my codecs decided to have one of those hilarious OH NO WERE NOT SHOWING YOU THE VIDEO! moments :'(. So i had to use VLC for the sony and Nintendo features, yet i was still present in chat
it got worse on one of the other days! I had ask a question in IE subscriber chat in Firefox(large 700k chat window
and the feed in VLC,i did get a question asked out on air! so there's proof at least i was there......
ZOMG this game ROCKS! been playing the actual game for about 8 hours so far ! gotta love the automatic troop carriers! also like 2 say good on ya 4 the copy protection! keep the cheepskates out :D
i have one problem though although my Instruction Manual is in English my Unit Type/Map page u always get in RTS is in French!
any1 here turno charged there horse? horses have an incredible speed multiplier once you gain access to the arcane University make a spell that fortifies speed on touch 1 point for 60 secondsor higher if posible tadaa!!
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