I hate how much they are focusing on HUT when they should be focusing on EASHL... it's the future of sports gaming. HUT is fun for a while but gets old quick imo.
Not sure if anyone realizes this but this isn't an MMO and me using the auction house does NOT affect anyone else. If I spent loads of money in the auction house and had all the best gear, this does not in anyway give me an advantage over Jimmy down the street. The auction house simply helps those who can't find the necessary gear to beat the game. If you were able to find everything you needed to beat Inferno without using the auction house then all the power to you.
@MasonChaos are you serious! MW3 engine was one of the most unbalanced engines I've ever experienced. If this game is anything like MW3 I won't be giving it the time of day.
@zowbaid - I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think you are the fanboy in this situation. Gamespot writes an article and in a nut shell lists the pros and cons of each console. You then get upset that they have said something negative about the PS3, and begin the blame it on "fanboyism" even though, if you took the time to read the entire article, and not just skip the the PS3 section, you would notice they raise valid points, both positive and negative, about each console....this isn't their first rodeo bud.
@foxhound_fox - I don't think you understand fully how a sample works. If you want to go out and survey each and everyone gamer on the planet be my guest but surveying thousands of people on Gamespot (All gamers mind you) I think would give you a pretty accurate idea. Then again Nintendo has made is pretty clear they are now catering to the "core gamer", which is absolute crap, then majority of there sales, much like the wii, will be adults buying into the gimmicks.
Seen the Animal Crossing character and got excited that it might actually be some AC news...talk about building a guy up just to bring him down....oh yeah and very boring read.
Jasonzitor1: I bet you don't even own a 360, just another PS3 fanboy trying to prove a point. Either way I think fanboys should be kicked off this site. I own all 3 so I can play any games I want. I don't at all consider fanboys hardcore gamers, I'm embarassed to even call you gamers!
snipeshot11's comments