Here's to you, the ones who thought Ron Paul would win. It is so obvious that he would not win even with all of you people who carry boards that say "Ron Paul Revolution" or "Ron Paul '08". This also goes to those Regan folk, you know which ones, the ones who think he was the one behind the Berlin wall crashing down, the crumbling of the Soviet Union and the saving of the US economy. Not to forget all you David Icke people, the 2012 people. Cheers you group of idiots.
That's correct, I'm calling you idiots; everyone of you people who are included in the list (Reganites, Ickeans, Ron Paul idiots, cannot think of a name for you). Everyone of you rely on personal belief rather than cold hard facts which in this day and age can be reserched within a couple of minutes (and can be critically reserched within half an hour). First of, David Icke. The man is British, obviously pretentious, possible cult leader. Followers, obviously idiots, possibly cult members, mostly North American, that in turn increases the magnitude of stupidity. Okay, in this day and age, people should not believe in prophecies and their prophets. It ridiculous. Oh and bonus point: the man believed politicians are reptilian creatures, pure genius.
Ron Paul, damn it, didn't I talk about this, he won't win. You people are stupid. Istead of telling people who to vote for, tell them of his ideas of what should be done in politics. At this point, the man has such a massive ego, he forgot what he was doing to begin with. Don't vote for Ron Paul.
As for Regan, why was he so damn important. I feel that everytime somebody says he was the best, I want to beat them senseless. Okay I'll give him this, he surrounded himself with the right people, but that just gives him less credit than he deserves. Problem one, the energy crunch, blame Regan. Carter was well aware of the fact that the US was going to go under an energy crisis so he outlined the White House with solar pannels. Regan took them down making electricity cost much more and contributing to the debt of the US. Number two, the Berlin Wall. Yet again, was not him but actually Carter. Carter being extremely diplomatic, had delt with the Soviet Union until he was replaced by Regan. The Berlin Wall was quickly knocked down by the people and the credit went to Regan the actor. Actually the credit should have gone to Carter and the people who actually took down that wall with force.
Cheers you complete idiots and that includes people who think the Bush Administration did good.
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