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Bunch of idiots

Here's to you, the ones who thought Ron Paul would win. It is so obvious that he would not win even with all of you people who carry boards that say "Ron Paul Revolution" or "Ron Paul '08". This also goes to those Regan folk, you know which ones, the ones who think he was the one behind the Berlin wall crashing down, the crumbling of the Soviet Union and the saving of the US economy. Not to forget all you David Icke people, the 2012 people. Cheers you group of idiots.

That's correct, I'm calling you idiots; everyone of you people who are included in the list (Reganites, Ickeans, Ron Paul idiots, cannot think of a name for you). Everyone of you rely on personal belief rather than cold hard facts which in this day and age can be reserched within a couple of minutes (and can be critically reserched within half an hour). First of, David Icke. The man is British, obviously pretentious, possible cult leader. Followers, obviously idiots, possibly cult members, mostly North American, that in turn increases the magnitude of stupidity. Okay, in this day and age, people should not believe in prophecies and their prophets. It ridiculous. Oh and bonus point: the man believed politicians are reptilian creatures, pure genius.

Ron Paul, damn it, didn't I talk about this, he won't win. You people are stupid. Istead of telling people who to vote for, tell them of his ideas of what should be done in politics. At this point, the man has such a massive ego, he forgot what he was doing to begin with. Don't vote for Ron Paul.

As for Regan, why was he so damn important. I feel that everytime somebody says he was the best, I want to beat them senseless. Okay I'll give him this, he surrounded himself with the right people, but that just gives him less credit than he deserves. Problem one, the energy crunch, blame Regan. Carter was well aware of the fact that the US was going to go under an energy crisis so he outlined the White House with solar pannels. Regan took them down making electricity cost much more and contributing to the debt of the US. Number two, the Berlin Wall. Yet again, was not him but actually Carter. Carter being extremely diplomatic, had delt with the Soviet Union until he was replaced by Regan. The Berlin Wall was quickly knocked down by the people and the credit went to Regan the actor. Actually the credit should have gone to Carter and the people who actually took down that wall with force.

Cheers you complete idiots and that includes people who think the Bush Administration did good.

A country divided.

Yay, more America bashing. Yet again, I do not hate America but more its policies, assimilation of immigrants, and its two major parties, the liberals and conservatives.

Oh sorry that's Canada. America uses Republicans/Democratic. The two countries are completely different in that respect. Don't believe me? For American liberals; they are spineless cowards. Republicans on the other hand are total dicks. This is an accurate generalization but for us Canadians it is different. Liberals are dicks and Republicans are spineless cowards (ironic isn't it?) But there is another difference, we aren't focussed on Liberal/Republican identification. It is beneath the skin for the most part. You look at CTV, it is completely conservative (also funny because you cannot see it). I look at CNN and I can identify each show's political agenda (Wolf Blitzer/Liberal, Glenn Beck/Conservative, Lou Dobbs/Douchebag/Independent) without thought. You can tell that the Republicans hate Democrats and vice versa. If you are a liberal in Texas, leave now to save yourself. Okay its not that bad (hyperbole) but it's still pretty disgraceful (O'Reilly reffers to Liberals are far-left loons). This is absolutely terrible and pathetic for a country that prides itself in being fair for everybody. America's social stratification is bad enough as it is with class differences but with the population being split between the two parties (nobody cares about the independents for some reason) there isn't anyway at this point for the Americans to have a well balanced Class System.

Somebody asked me what party I stood in. I told him "Well I'm obviously not with the Bloc Québécois, nor am I with the NDP, I guess I'm torn between Conservative and Liberal". He responded by saying "No, I mean do you support Hillary, Obama or McCain" I told him since the choice was nearly impossible, I'd go with Hillary since the last thing we need is a speaker. I was laughed at. I am fully aware that she will not win but I just don't think that Obama is ready yet (in four years he will be) but to be honest, all three will go through the same problems (fixing the economy, war, equality, the liberal/republican war). There is something that Obama hasn't experienced yet, torture. McCain experienced real mental and physical torture in Vietnam and kept his mental health. Hillary tried to bring up Free Healthcare and was massacred by republicans daily and was eventually shut up. She is now ready to attack back. Obama hasn't experienced anything yet until the elections started. If he wins the election, he will be attacked every day. Do you know what a presidency can do to a persons mental heath. You need to be ready, and I feel he is not strong enough, simply look at every time something bad happened he stumbled during his speeches. During the Rev. Wright thing, he should have not said a thing. To be ready, you need a quick and a single (which is the most important one) response, not to mention well said. The Rev. Wright thing should have been done differently, he should have either shut up or brought up the whole soundclip thing. I have watched many of Wright's preachingand he is a very even headed man. He is a patriot. That is what should have been done. For example; when Chris Wallace recently interviewed Bill Clinton, he made the mistake of attempting to bring him down. Bill Clinton is experienced enough to tell someone "Shut The F**k Up" without even saying those words ever during the interview.

Anyways. The point is, wait a minute................ what is the point? Experience is useful for defending yourself? Each party is extreme and not suitable until they combine thoughts? Please tell me I don't know. Oh wait, a country divided. Oh jeez, I knew I forgot something here. Um... One party hates the other, I should have just talked about one thing. Social class. Oh well.

Shut your damn mouth you stupid piece of conservative sh...

As I type, I watch Glenn Beck rant on about politics, oil and GTAIV with the author of Grand Theft Childhood which is a nonbiased look at violence in videogames and its affects on children and teenagers. I'll be honest, I read a bit of the book and found it very informative and well written which for me is very important. During the interview, the author kicks the crap out of Glenn. She even uses an example from the book saying most teens at first had no idea that there were prostitutes in the original GTAIII. She mentions that it is not a factor in widespread violence in shooting in the novel. In fact, I'll advertise for this book: Read the Grand Theft Childhood by Larry Kutner and Cheryl K. Olson.

Anyways, back to the rant. Obviously the interview is over faster than it should be seeing that Glenn is like O'Reilly and they must have it their way. I'm not saying that we should never trust the news, that's why I wrote that a while ago in many other entries.

Another thing, if you want to learn more about these issues, go to WWW.GAMEPOLITICS.COM and get educated. Another thing, don't listen to Glenn Beck when he says that game bloggers are scum (that's what I heard), I read a couple of his blogs and he cannot write for peanut butter. Similar to WWW.DEADSPIN.COM game blogs can be very well written while proffesional journalists have problems writing even the most basic of opinions in a well constructed manner. I'm not saying that casual blogs are great themselves but there are gems out there and they should be read, comedic or informative. It is very important to hear the voice of many so that an opinion can be made. What do you mean I preach too much!? Fine I'll stop. Just hear me out, if a person does not take into account the well constructive opinion of others, there is not point to hear even that person out; because at least we have the ability to understand that others have voices to be heard. At least some of us (piss off fanboys and politicians)

Haha... that was fast.

How long has it been since the release of GTAIV, three days, four days. Already, people are crapping their pants and by people I mean MADD as well as Jack Thompson and people like Glenn Beck. Although nobody should care about those two non-credible sources, people should care about news media. Glenn Beck pretty much held Jack Thompson's hand along a planned path leading him with specific questions (started off by asking him; tell me what happened in Alabama in 2003) which is total disrespect for journalistic intergrity by the way. Not all media crapped their pants, Nightline did a fine job in a non biased story on violent media.

Know what I'll give my opinion of GTAIV. It is two things, piece of storytelling art and a giant mockery of modernday pop culture. What does that mean, come on, it constantly makes fun of itself! Sure it's the freedom of doing anything but it's the way it is shown to us. Character reaction, story, are not realistic or to be taken seriously. Honestly do you think one man can step out on the street and kill thousands, honestly people get it through you heads! Hell the whole part where the media freaks out just gives the game more attention and eventually sales. Hell, my newspaper celebrated the game as a piece of brilliant art (take that Roger Ebert!) and advises people to buy the game (pending age of course) and also telling people to shut up and not buy the game if you don't like the controversy (an entire page talking about it actually).

Media is scared of these new medias, since people will divert their eyes away from the news and on to the internet as well as the video games. It's the same as in the past with movies, and music, saying that people would rebel against media. Since Doom was released, they say that it is evil. This has been going on for a long time actually, since the beggining of time. Every new media was bombarded with criticism. Free speech, books, music, radio, movie, tv, and now videogames, just to name a few. These have looped so much, and the lasted revisitation is free speech (the most basic media).

Another thing, the whole arguement that "violent video games train you how shoot guns". I've played GTAIII when it first came out and I was 11 years old. Look at me now, I'm particularty verbose, an avid pacifist, and I'm might be a future psychologist. In fact I don't even know how to reload a gun, but let's say if I watched the recently ignored media blockbuster, Rambo, I would know how to reload that giant cannon and also know the insides of a human being slide out of a torso.

But what's the point about whining of another violent media. There is another facet of violence and that is the army. Why buy a 17+ video game when I can join the army at an earlier age. Is real violence less important than fake? In the eyes of our media it is.

**** you Microsoft.

2 Months ago, I sent my second Xbox in for repairs, it took six fu*king weeks until I got the coffin, but that isn't the problem now. 3 Weeks Ago, I got my third one. Today, the 29th of April; three days until my birthday and I bought GTAIV.

3 FU*KING HOURS AFTER I GOT IT, MY FU*KING XBOX DIED AGAIN NOT EVEN A FU*KING MONTH AFTER I GOT THE NEW ONE. I NEED TO GET A NEW ONE AND GO THROUGH THE GOD DAMN PROCESS OF CALLING SUPPORT AND WAITING FOR THE COFFIN AS WELL AS THE NEW BOX. Didn't even have the chance of playing the game. I called at 6:00, took 30 minutes to get something done, there was a system maintenance at the support. Wait another FU*CKING TWO HOURS, AND NOW WAIT FOR THE GOD DAMN BOX TO GET HERE. Patience, I had it two months ago when I waited a month for the coffin to arrive. I'm not angry, I'M FU*KING PISSED THE FUK OFF.

Not to mention, I cut my finger an hour ago, I had an exam in my sh*tty English class, and I was so angry, I almost choked on my food. Is something trying to break me? I can only be a pacifist for so long people, and my breaking point is very very close. Have no fear, my breaking point can only cause environmental damage not physical damage.


There's something that bothers me. How come the most powerful country in the world (at the moment) is also one of the most patriotic countries in the world. Oh wait... did I say patriotic? I meant nationalistic. Central ideas in theory; Flag, Attitude Towards Other Countries, Anti-Government, Pro Free-Market and Lifestyles Of The American Dream.

If you are one of those Americans that salute the flag everytime you see it? You might be a patriot (nationalist) and you might also have a powerful arm. Do you think that burning the flag is wrong despite the fact that the constitution does not forbit it? You might be a nationalist (allow me smoke this ciggarette that is surrounded by a minature flag). Blah blah. You get it right? It's amazing that americans can comprehend the symbolism of burning the flag but can't understand what is symbolic by placing flags on the floor that make a zig-zag path. (See disgrace of the flag, at UMF) It is very interesting, seeing one American calling another anti-american because they don't have a right size flag on their house. They always manage to bring up a bunch of wars to support their opinion. Here's a summary of my point, in fact I'll quote some pissed off guy on youtube:

''anyone who has enough stupidity in their body to walk across an American flag should be kicked out of the country for their complete lack of respect. And anyone who does it in front of a veteran should be thrown in jail. It is because of veterans that people in this country have the freedom to do pretty much what they want, even if it includes making a complete idiot of oneself. If you're ashamed of this country or just don't like it here please feel free to pack your bags and get the
f**k out.''
(If you don't like america, you can just ggggeeeeeettttt out)

One word: France. Americans have this view that France is evil and america is good because its good ol' christian values. FACT CHECK, FRANCE HAS THE BEST HEALTHCARE IN THE WORLD, SHUT UP. DUMB HICK.

Americans always find a way to blame the government for everything (when other countries aren't blamed of course) even though it is the fault of companies. For example; Oil. "It's the government's fault, they got the power to stop taxing on gas." I swear. Everytime I see some jackoff blaming government instead of the companies, I want to throw them under a car. Remember, companies have the job to make money, you know the american way right? Governments make money to help people, if government controlled healthcare, problem solved. People would save more money because insurance is less.

I don't hate America, afterall, Frank Zappa is American. Southern Rock is American (f*ck country music, southern rock all the way), Bill Hicks is American (hated America). America is great, but the life**** piss me off. Change your ways and you will be fine.

It's not news, it's CNN.

I hate FOX (so do many) but just as much as CNN which is basically (MSNBC+FOX)-BBC=CNN. It's a combination of the many mainstream news medias, with bias up the wazoo. Its not in your face like FOX, but its in your face like Meet the Spartans (yes that's right, FOX is worse), you know its there and they do the job of blasting you contantly even in the stories. In fact, I will use my favorite news host to show how diverse CNN is:

Lou F*ckin' Dobbs: can go f*ck himself because of his bullcrap values (anti-mexican to be blunt for the first time in this rant) and Lou is a man that loves illiteration (Crazy Communist China) He is a man that admires the middle american, which to his credit is the only one who cares for them (or so he and his fans claim). The thing about Lou Dobbs is that he must maintain a sense of insecurity for his stupid viewers that believe Canada will steal jobs from them.

This is only a thought mind you. My opinion... F*ck you good sirs.

I hate religious extremists, and so should you.

We all know what religious extremists are, but just as a reminder to morons, they can be found in every religion. Fox example, a Christian who bombs a med clinic because of abortion (happened a couple of times). Threats of violence and the acts of violence are the weapons used, but the purpose of this topic is to deal with the annoying ones.

I'll bring up two examples, a video that explains how evolution is evil and a youtube user by the name of VenomfangX who is a Nouveau-Christian (Its hip to be christians... F**k everyone else). The video in mind claims that scientists cannot prove that we evolved from a collaboration of ATOMS (or in their mind, apes. By the way, we did prove it) and by also quoting the bible to prove them right. Just so you know, the bible was written by people not God (capitalized in respect for smart people) and is mainly a giant fantasy book. I've always thought that you can shorten the bible to a single paragraph because it contains a message, you know... Jesus? He was a historical figure people, his teachings were real, not the walking on water part (because what's the point of bringing that up, does it make you want to believe him more) but one thing I have noticed over the few days is that love thine neibours and enemies means other religions too. You cannot quote the bible to strengthen an arguement because, its a book, fiction even. Jesus in the bible is the same as Julius Caesar in Shakespeare; by that I mean the details are skewed for entertainment purposes.

The other person that annoys me is a youtube user by the name of VenomfangX who, in his mind, proves God exists. I don't think some jackoff (who wears bright white clothes in his videos to make him look like a prick ahem angelic) can prove God exists with a badly thought out hypothesis. Now this thing, is more of an evangelical christian which is an American form of extremism. Evangelicals tend to be rich, white, anglo-saxon, Americans who don't give a crap about the unfortunate. The ones who vote for George W. Bush because of his tax breaks for the rich and his "good wholesome christian values" (the most evil statement in the world). He is that type of person.

People like these must be avoided like the plague.

Next blog post... my interview with douchebag Cécil and the Cadillac Cats.

Rock Band is a ripoff of Guitar Hero *slaps person across face*

A few weeks ago, Rock Band arrived in the mail and its good. Really damn good. Much better than GH3 (which should actually be GH4 but it sucked). Everything (yes even the guitar) was perfect and every instrument had a good difficulty to it. The meat of the game is in the songs and it requires some math (grade 2) to know how many songs you will play. Though there are less than GH3, the appropriate amount of songs outnumber GH3 because Electric Version is fun on 2/3 of the instruments and only two songs will always suck (Maps and When You Were Young).

Now another great thing about the game, would be the multiplayer on and offline. It takes skill but timing to max scores because you have to activate overdrive the same time as the others to give a greater score. TEAMWORK is the name of the game, unless you are dueling other players which is also fun. In ranked matches you don't even chose the song, awesome, people can't chose hard ass songs to beat your ass.

I recomend this game completely.

Anonymous 1-Scientology 0

Last Sunday, there was a protest and to my knowledge, it was a worldwide protest against the cult of scientology (Yes it was derived from the song Cult of Personality). Not worldwide but it was big. What do you know, there was one in Montréal too, but I did not go. Nor have anyone else I know left to protest (Also to my knowlege hint hint) and soon, really soon. The sh*t will hit the fan. Scientology will try their best to sue each protester and most likely fail. What's the point?

Alls that I'm tryin to say's that they are cracking and will be exposed of everything. Don't give up, keep pushing, and soon we will win. There is no escape from us.

In other news, people should see the Eugene Mirman Scientology video SashaNein made a new video (check his stuff out its great) and Yeah Yeah Yeahs are crap. (Rock Band Rant Coming soon... this week)

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