Yay, more America bashing. Yet again, I do not hate America but more its policies, assimilation of immigrants, and its two major parties, the liberals and conservatives.
Oh sorry that's Canada. America uses Republicans/Democratic. The two countries are completely different in that respect. Don't believe me? For American liberals; they are spineless cowards. Republicans on the other hand are total dicks. This is an accurate generalization but for us Canadians it is different. Liberals are dicks and Republicans are spineless cowards (ironic isn't it?) But there is another difference, we aren't focussed on Liberal/Republican identification. It is beneath the skin for the most part. You look at CTV, it is completely conservative (also funny because you cannot see it). I look at CNN and I can identify each show's political agenda (Wolf Blitzer/Liberal, Glenn Beck/Conservative, Lou Dobbs/Douchebag/Independent) without thought. You can tell that the Republicans hate Democrats and vice versa. If you are a liberal in Texas, leave now to save yourself. Okay its not that bad (hyperbole) but it's still pretty disgraceful (O'Reilly reffers to Liberals are far-left loons). This is absolutely terrible and pathetic for a country that prides itself in being fair for everybody. America's social stratification is bad enough as it is with class differences but with the population being split between the two parties (nobody cares about the independents for some reason) there isn't anyway at this point for the Americans to have a well balanced Class System.
Somebody asked me what party I stood in. I told him "Well I'm obviously not with the Bloc Québécois, nor am I with the NDP, I guess I'm torn between Conservative and Liberal". He responded by saying "No, I mean do you support Hillary, Obama or McCain" I told him since the choice was nearly impossible, I'd go with Hillary since the last thing we need is a speaker. I was laughed at. I am fully aware that she will not win but I just don't think that Obama is ready yet (in four years he will be) but to be honest, all three will go through the same problems (fixing the economy, war, equality, the liberal/republican war). There is something that Obama hasn't experienced yet, torture. McCain experienced real mental and physical torture in Vietnam and kept his mental health. Hillary tried to bring up Free Healthcare and was massacred by republicans daily and was eventually shut up. She is now ready to attack back. Obama hasn't experienced anything yet until the elections started. If he wins the election, he will be attacked every day. Do you know what a presidency can do to a persons mental heath. You need to be ready, and I feel he is not strong enough, simply look at every time something bad happened he stumbled during his speeches. During the Rev. Wright thing, he should have not said a thing. To be ready, you need a quick and a single (which is the most important one) response, not to mention well said. The Rev. Wright thing should have been done differently, he should have either shut up or brought up the whole soundclip thing. I have watched many of Wright's preachingand he is a very even headed man. He is a patriot. That is what should have been done. For example; when Chris Wallace recently interviewed Bill Clinton, he made the mistake of attempting to bring him down. Bill Clinton is experienced enough to tell someone "Shut The F**k Up" without even saying those words ever during the interview.
Anyways. The point is, wait a minute................ what is the point? Experience is useful for defending yourself? Each party is extreme and not suitable until they combine thoughts? Please tell me I don't know. Oh wait, a country divided. Oh jeez, I knew I forgot something here. Um... One party hates the other, I should have just talked about one thing. Social class. Oh well.