snipzor / Member

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There's something that bothers me. How come the most powerful country in the world (at the moment) is also one of the most patriotic countries in the world. Oh wait... did I say patriotic? I meant nationalistic. Central ideas in theory; Flag, Attitude Towards Other Countries, Anti-Government, Pro Free-Market and Lifestyles Of The American Dream.

If you are one of those Americans that salute the flag everytime you see it? You might be a patriot (nationalist) and you might also have a powerful arm. Do you think that burning the flag is wrong despite the fact that the constitution does not forbit it? You might be a nationalist (allow me smoke this ciggarette that is surrounded by a minature flag). Blah blah. You get it right? It's amazing that americans can comprehend the symbolism of burning the flag but can't understand what is symbolic by placing flags on the floor that make a zig-zag path. (See disgrace of the flag, at UMF) It is very interesting, seeing one American calling another anti-american because they don't have a right size flag on their house. They always manage to bring up a bunch of wars to support their opinion. Here's a summary of my point, in fact I'll quote some pissed off guy on youtube:

''anyone who has enough stupidity in their body to walk across an American flag should be kicked out of the country for their complete lack of respect. And anyone who does it in front of a veteran should be thrown in jail. It is because of veterans that people in this country have the freedom to do pretty much what they want, even if it includes making a complete idiot of oneself. If you're ashamed of this country or just don't like it here please feel free to pack your bags and get the
f**k out.''
(If you don't like america, you can just ggggeeeeeettttt out)

One word: France. Americans have this view that France is evil and america is good because its good ol' christian values. FACT CHECK, FRANCE HAS THE BEST HEALTHCARE IN THE WORLD, SHUT UP. DUMB HICK.

Americans always find a way to blame the government for everything (when other countries aren't blamed of course) even though it is the fault of companies. For example; Oil. "It's the government's fault, they got the power to stop taxing on gas." I swear. Everytime I see some jackoff blaming government instead of the companies, I want to throw them under a car. Remember, companies have the job to make money, you know the american way right? Governments make money to help people, if government controlled healthcare, problem solved. People would save more money because insurance is less.

I don't hate America, afterall, Frank Zappa is American. Southern Rock is American (f*ck country music, southern rock all the way), Bill Hicks is American (hated America). America is great, but the life**** piss me off. Change your ways and you will be fine.