If anyone is remotely aware of the mass effect sex problem, you know that I'm quoting Kevin McWhateverhisnameis and is escape from obcurity (Thank you Penny-Arcade) by **** Mass Effect, while he was with no dought in the middle of eating lobster with a fine pino noir and his best friends were enjoying it with him and... I lost track with this. Anyways there was this one great moment on FOX News where this "author" join in the beating. The other being interviewed asked her, and this made me laugh so damn hard:
-Have you played the game?
-No I have not.
I'm sure everybody can appreciate the fact that she just shot herself in the foot with this. Before this interview, Kevin McWhocares had backed out after he saw dozens (by that I mean hundreds) of people bashing the hell out of him, he backed out and crawled back into obscurity. Saddly for this woman, those gamers were still there and she slowly moved away from Bioware. But she still took a beating when her new book was bashed by those gamers. Saddly for her, she can't ask if they read her book because it wouldn't matter if they did because no matter what, these people are came for blood and they will get blood.
Now this does not yet incorporate with my hatred for FOX, so listen to me FOX, YOU GOT OFF LUCKY YOU BASTARDS BUT SOON I'LL BE COMING FOR BLOOD (not literal blood you idiots).