@bmorg2014: Well now it sounds like you're not THAT committed to their games after all. First you said you'd be pumped, now you sound lukewarm. It's not a good idea for Nintendo to listen to an audience that is lukewarm on their software.
@fragtaster: That all may be true, but read back over my comment and see where I said that Japanese console market was anything, growing or shrinking... I didn't.
What I did mean is that the Japanese are more committed to consoles and any survey that doesn't measure that is incomplete. The absolute numbers you link to are a different question.
@bmorg2014: But what you're really saying there is that their software is so valuable that other systems will want to feature it. If that's true, then retaining exclusivity (if you can afford it, which they can) is the most sensible thing to do.
so_hai's comments