soadrock2 Blog
I'm Leaving Gamespot
by soadrock2 on Comments
Its got boring once again and with some of those comments in my last blog its pretty clear that there's no point me being here. I'm not looking for your sympathy, I'm just stating the fact. If you don't disagree with my thoughts of my blog, then cool, but to get so rude about it has just pissed me off. I'm there when you rant and rave about things that are of the same sort of principal, and I never get all uptight if you say Final Fantasy IX is crap - I just say thats your choice. Alrite yeah I havent played Gears of War, Red Steel, or Twilight Princess, But for godsake im entitled to my own views, and if you are gonna get so stressy like some of you have done then you're not what I would call a 'friend' . Sure i know i'm probably about the 100th person to rant about Jeff Gertsmann's review, but I'm not the one to take the anger out on. Besides i never said anything about him i just was dazzled on how he gave such a game a 'low 8.8' Personally its like Halo 3. I don't give a rats arse about it, but i'll understand if it gets 9.5 or something because halo is just freakin classic. What has gears of war jumped out from.
You can rant to me about how stupid, ignorant and stuff in the comments and fine do so, but i'm sure very few of you will care that im leaving. I leave with my head held high believeing what i want to believe not what some stupid review has said or some other user just because they get more comments than me (thats most of you then) I leave knowing that i dont have 116 friends on here. Only a few. Goodbye guys its has been a great time and i'll see you in another life, brother.
Gamespot Hate Nintendo
by soadrock2 on Comments
I am no longer trusting Gamespot reviews.
Either that or they hire new reviewers. I mean they all hate Nintendo except maybe a few. I logged on today to see a Red Steel review and TLOZ: TP review. I checked that review out first (Zelda) I was surprised to see it recieve a 8.8. This is one of the games that do deserve at 9.6 (not gears of war) The Ocarina recieved a perfect rating. Gamespot have been hyped about this for a long while and to only give it a 8.8 - i know thats pretty high evenso but c'mon its Zelda. Its come a long way sicne the Ocarina and I know sequels generally seem not as good but this game looks amazing.
But what really got my blood boiling: Red Steel- 5.5. Thid is the first real Wii game where you use that nunchuk properly, I didn't even read the review i was so disgusted. GS are so harsh my friends, Dead Rising recieved 95% in Gamesmaster and i agree that it too high but at least these go by fun rating. I know reviewing is a serious job, but Gamespot take it too hard. I never thought i'd say this but geez, Its Just A Game.
P.S my spelling is atrocious sorry.
Gears of War - Too Good To Be True?
by soadrock2 on Comments
Well, first off, I busted up my arm today in Basketball, I was sitting on the floor and just after i got up my left elbow sorta gave way, hurts a bit, but its okays.
Now onto the real blog right here.
Gears of War (X360)
Now, i know most of you are snuggled up at home with your precious copies of that Game right now, and loving it too death, I myself will probably do the same when i unwrap it in 47 days, but don't any of you stop and look at that score?
I mean sure, it looks great, but hey? It doesn't look that brilliant Hell, i probably loose half my friends for saying this but lets get down to the facts. Gears or War takes Resident Evil 4's excellent combat style and adds in the fact that, if you don't cover and fire you're gonna die. And doesn't the story seem a bit like everyother monster/sci-fi thing these days? I don't know really that much about the story but I know enough to know that we've seen most of it before. It does have immense graphics which i won't disregard, but it seems to me that Gamespot have made a biased decision once again.
If it is a game that they aren't interest in then you'll see a low score, don't disagree with me, because you know its true. Take this for example. Gamespot rated GTA: San Andreas a 9.6, i don't disagree with that descision but wtf is up with the graphics? 8/10, it doesn't deserve that score. Yeah i know its a huge game and the grahics aren't going to be the best but i mean c'mon they aren't that good. I mean the same with GoW you all moaned when i told you that one of my favourite gaming magazines gave Dead Rising 95% but this is the same thing.
Rant Over Guys
Gamers Paradise *A Tribute To Gamespot*
by soadrock2 on Comments
You may of heard Weird Al Yankovic's Version of Coolio's Gangsters Paradise entitled 'Amish Paradise' if you haven't heard it, simply click onto youtube and type 'amish paradise'
So anyway heres my version of Gangsters Paradise aptly named Gamers Paradise please note, i'll be sharing verse 2 with you and the chorus. And once more, I made this up!
The other day I got modded for saying
It’s not cool
But the ban was only a day
I’ll own you at any game you throw at me
Like Age of Mythology or Warcraft 3
The first rule of Gamespot’s health
No ones a n00b unless you’re
A n00b yourself
Break the rules and I’ll own you too
And Counter Strike rules so screw you
I like playing the PC
But I don’t mind watching MTV
Hax my server
And you’ll see
My 1337 skills unleashed on thee
Been spending most our time
Living in a gamers paradise
I play most games more than twice
Living in a gamers paradise
We’re not nerds so do be nice
Unless you enter Mankar Camorans Paradise
I get games at discount price
Living in a gamers paradise
Later You Lot
A Night From Neverwinter
by soadrock2 on Comments
Long time no see guys, actually it's only been a week i suppose, anyway thats not the point. I'm level 25 today - Defias Brotherhood, i love this name, though i did enjoy feeling asleep...
Well we all know it was hallowe'en the other day, and yeah i did actually get in a bit of trick or treating i didnt really get much, but one guy gave us beer :P bearing in mind i am only 13. Didn't have none though, i don't really like Carling :P
Have you noticed it's getting a little darker these days? well if not it has in England....
On the gaming front I haven't actually played that many games recently, i've been bogged down with crappy schoolwork all week, but friday's not that bad so it'll be good to get into the weekend :D I got my monthly gaming magazine today at Sainsbury's its a big store that sells groceries and stuff :wink: Anyway i know some of you despise the magazine - but i'm sure Denis (NeoJedi) will be happy to know they rated the Sims: Pets 85% so not as bad a GS :P They also gave Bully a 90%. Thats about it really...
I'll let you guys leave now, so bye-bye and I'll speak to you later...
P.S - my blog will be RED from now on, i got a little tired of changing it, its staying bright red :) Oh yeah i've slacked off so much with DFAD - i migth sort it out some more right now.
Lyrics, Modding and I Warned You...
by soadrock2 on Comments
Ok guys, so I guess i was wrong about most of my friends on GS, if you think about it, i really only have about 20 maybe 30 at the most, and i don't care if i drop my list to that much and loose my popular badge, because let's face it some people on here are down right rude.
I person in particular, i've posted in the last 4 blog entries and have recieved none in mine. Its hard to post in blogs you don't really have a view on, you just do it with respect. I've tried, i've really tried :cry: so i guess half of you wont even care if i cut my friends list, but im not bothered with people like you.
Don't worry those regular comments, oh yeah and i'm still eliminating half of you off my list even if you put 'oh please keep me on im here now' because i've had enough.
Onto a more pleasant note, i seem to have uncovered the weirdest lyrics to a song most of you have heard in dead rising. A lot of you must've been wondering what the hell the dude says in Gone Guru by Lifeseeker but i, with my wonderful brain (and some other stuff) have uncoverd the first verse and chorus of this brilliant song.
Well he ain’t my boy but the brother is heavy
Gave away my possessions and moved into a Chevy
Van; yeah that’s the master plan
To drive into the woods to eat corn out a can
Yeah I gave it all away
The hard rock band
The groupies. The booze. The all night jams.
Now all these fans asking where did he go?
Meditating on a rock letting go of ego
So rapping with the squirrels is the way of the mountain
They took half my nuts and berries
And riddled ‘who’s counting’
They bit my finger with the truth, the blood was spouting
Now my cup overfloweth just like a fountain
Birds in the sky, trees in between
Grubs in the ground it was so serene
The sky is blue yeah the grass is green
Now that makes 3 square meals if you know what I mean
So I wake up every morning with a fat cup of piss
My 3rd eye’s open so give me some Swiss miss,
Saw a thirty foot fairy walking down your street
Though I was down with god I had to yell retreat.
Because I gone guru so cut the ballyhoo
Rock the tambourines and the didgeridoo
Set the animals free from the pimpin’ zoo
Now I elevate your mind like airplane glue.
I also got modded for using gay in the wrong term :P and was suspened for a day =)
by soadrock2 on Comments
The Subtitle to my DFAD idea: The Wild West.
Now a lot of you have been asking me how i'm going with it all and well i'd thought i'd give an update. I was lieing, non of you asked me how i was going with it=)
So i'm up to the 10 page mark. It's not all above size 20 (only titles) and i am only on the characters part. Now think about it, normally characters come first don't they, so what the hell did I put before it i hear you ask. Actually i can't here you ask that because probably none of you are thinking that.... and well my hearing isn't that brilliant.
Besides all that, i'm up to 30 missions re-written, i'v still got alot to use up on my sheet, but it's trying to incorporate it into the story that's sort of hard, none-the-less i'll figure it out. You know when you think up an awesome idea, then a couple of weeks later when you are writing it up, you get an urge to do another - it's real annoying. Actually, maybe none of you are like me and your brain functions properly and thinks up amazing games after you've finsihed your current one. In fact i bet you're saying right now 'i wish alex would stop with that whole [insert right word here] thing he keeps doing'
Ok back to normal games - i gotta me another achievement on Saints Row - its a pretty good game, the strongholds are really hard, but it might just be hard because i'm teh biggest n00bz0rz....
I'm wishing to myself right now this gets quite a few comments, i've really commented in a lot of blogs that i never usually find myself looking in, and I guess if the same old people (except Scott, hes got an excuse) comment in my blog - then another Friends Cut will be happening, If so i'm going straight down to 70, sorry 57 of you...
It Bites To Be German Right Now
by soadrock2 on Comments
No offence meant in the title - i wanna frankfurt...
Anway, if you are all tracking Gears of War like me, then you may find you got a update today. The German rating baord are pretty harsh, in the fact that Germans never got their hands on a kantana or two in Dead Rising but now they refused to give a rating for GoW!! That explains the odd title. If you ask me, the game doesn't look that bad, i mean if they accepted Saints Row in germany then why didn't they take this? If you don't know why i said SR its because everyother word is f**k or the overly talked about sex in the game makes it even worse than GTA.
Anyway i think its pretty unlucky to be german right now don't you think? Well enough on that matter back to the randomness vvv!! omgz0rz.
DFAD - i know you are all tired of me talking about this but who cares, i've decided to go with The Wild West idea i was worried if Adam_B would think it's a GTA clone or soemthing, but last year a game got through called 'Mafia Man' - nonetheless it sounded like a great game, but that too ould be called a 'GTA Clone' thank the lord for ... erm... moving on shall we?
I'm seeing my friend tomorrow - Owen, people say we look like eachother, but we disagree, anyway he says hes a 'V.I.P' member on GS yet i don't believe him....
Later Y'all
Decisions, Decisions And Progress Check
by soadrock2 on Comments
Ok guys, today i've been doing jacksh*t, had the whole day off (you should know by now) except from 10 mins of school i had to do.
So i got my progress check today, with levels of my progress so far in school, as they are in levels, its a bit hard to understand, i'll convert into grades to make it easier. :wink:
Digtial Imaging - B+
Drama - B
Food Tec - C
English - A-
Geography - B-
History - A
It - B
Spanish - B
Maths - A
Music - C+
P.E - A+
R.E - B
Science - B
Pretty good eh? besides, all that i've been playing some more saints row - great game. Also I've had another urge on a game idea for DFAD, this time a horror game, where humans are banished to the depths of underground, while monsters roam middle-ground, one day a guy has to venture out to find a medicine for his tribe when they turn sick. It's that or The Wild West.
Well i've got school tomorrow, an essay to do (though it's pysically impossible right now) and sleep to cath up on, not to mention the champions league, later guys.
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