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soapymargherita Blog

doing the blog thing

I'm not really a gamer. I only own half a dozen titles for the xbox 360, and a few more on PC, and I don't tend to finish games. Back in the 90's when I was playing Monkey Island, Quake 1, Super Metroid and Baldur's Gate, I finished games. But I didn't have a console or gaming computer for about a decade, and in that time games developed past my ability (slow reactions and too jumpy, resulting in much spackness when playing a game that requires any skill) Of the titles I own now most of them are half-finished. Not because I don't enjoy them, but like I said I'm not really a gamer. Very short attention span.

Having said that, lately I've been spending more time playing stuff, mostly because it's cheaper than going out. I'm playing a lot of stuff that's a few years old, catching up on all the time I missed out, like Oblivion, Mass Effect, and still Half Life 2. But recently a lot of newer games have been catching my eye and thanks to this website I'm slowly building a list of titles I want. Which is kind of bad news considering I don't have a job right now.

I've pre-ordered Dragon Age: Origins for the PC, because Baldur's Gate is one of my all time favourites and I feel like I've been waiting a long time to have a game experience as good as that one was. DA looks epic, and I am seriously excited about playing it (is that sad?)

I'm not that far through Mass Effect yet but I know I'll want to play Mass Effect 2 once I'm done (which probably won't be 'til ages after ME2 is released). Bioware stuff seems to have a particular flavour I like.

I want Left 4 Dead 2, simply because I love L4D 1. I suck most righteously at it, but I do love it.

I think it's time I got around to playing GTA 4. I always suck at GTA games as well but it's pretty much a must-have game, and nothing is quite as satisying as the carnage you can cause with a rooftop and some grenades.

Other titles on my mind are Borderlands, just because everyone keeps banging on about how great it is; Diablo III, whenever it comes out, because the trailers look niiiice, even though I've never played Diablo I or II; and Metro 2033, as I haven't bought a straightforward FPS since Half Life 2, and the little I've seen/heard about Metro 2033 so far is definitely interesting.

Decided that since I've been visiting this site a lot recently I may as well start using this blog. I'll write about what I'm playing / what I want to play, and any inspiring thoughts I have about them, think that's the idea, right? It's kind of an anthropological thing. Gaming through the eyes of someone who never really got the hang of it.