next gen
by sodafountan on Comments
now we all know that nintendo's past two consoles (nintendo 64 and gamecube) werent that great now dont get me wrong i still bought them and there were some outstanding games for them. but nintendo (in my opinion) has always bin in the lead in the handheld market starting with the game boy and going all the way up to the ds. now lets talk about the wii, so far its looking good. but lets just say that it ends up like the gamecube or the n64 lets hope that doesnt happen because if that happens nintendo might just focus on the hand helds and completly give up on consoles now thats not a fact and most likley wont happen. and heres another posobility what if microsoft enters the hand held competition and blows nintendo and sony away will nintendo give up on handhelds to and join either sony or microsoft and again this is most likley not to happen to any of the 3 major companies. but i love nintendo and i really dont hope it falls to the power of microsoft or sony.