Truly such,
To get to the point, I should get the new PC this week. There was an issue with the imports with my motherboard, since it was sold-out about everywhere in the country, so I decided to wait for it and now I'm getting the job done rather soon. I can't wait to attach my fingers into that equipment, try out Vista and play Oblivion in full detail. Also, making some music with the new sound card awaits, yummy.
That's not all, that truly is not all. There was an amazing offer in a Finnish webstore, where they sold a small amount of Sony 40" LCD -TVs in a ridiculous price such as 999 euros. The very same TV was the test-winner and five-star model of last summer. The same TV is still sold elsewhere in my country, but the normal price varies from 1700 to 2200 euros, so this was more than a bargain. It was almost half-free for a Sony. The TV should arrive this week as well, and it looks like this:
Sony Bravia KDL-40S2000E - 40" LCD
So I have lots and lots to do with my new precious stuff soon. It wasn't about the money, it was my last year savings which I used for the PC and TV, so all this summer earnings will establish my new savings.
But I guess I gotta fetch some ice cream and then study for my exam retake. It's as hot as the underworld here, I wish it was autumn pretty soon.
Precedeth most urgentlike.