Yeah, time goes fast when it's fun.
That must be the very reason why everything goes so quick when you're having days off. On the other hand, at work, time goes like a snail. When it's extra-boring, the time seems to go even backwards. Tough, isn't it?
Well, we went to the pub yesterday. I didn't drink too much this time, which led me to a hangover-free day. Great.
I continued playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past on my GBA once again. It's still such a good game...but why didn't they convert FF6 and Chrono Trigger to GBA? They would sell like ever! Maybe it's all about license stuff.
Talking about Chrono Trigger, I discovered an interesting site one day.
Chrono Trigger Resurrection was a project to convert the good ol' Chrono Trigger in 3D. What a brilliant idea, but since Square-Enix interfered, the project is cancelled. How stupid is that? They wouldn't lose a thing!
Damn you all Incs.
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