Indeed I am!
So I got the machine. Yay. I borrowed Final Fantasy VII from my girlfriend and started playing that. It sure is a marvelous game, and I would describe it as the most excellent FF -game I've ever played, as FFVI as the 2nd greatest. Yeah.
The salesman sure did speak the truth, since that console is almost as it was new. No a single scratch, and it's not even dusty even though he had the machine without any use in an indoor -closet. Am I lucky.
Now I'm planning to buy a second memory card. I'm only buying those original Sony -memory cards, since the 3rd party PSX -cards can be very mysterious, since I've heard they like to erase the data by themselves. Isn't that just meh.
Another poopy thing is, that I bought Discworld for my new PSone, and since it's originally a PC -game, they didn't optimize the saving system, so saving the game takes a whopping 8 blocks! Goddammit, the memory card has only 15 blocks and this one game eats straightly half of it!
Also, I think I'm gonna buy some other accessories too, like a mouse. It's a must-thingie for those adventure-games. I could get it for a cheap price. The 2nd controller is on the buy-list too.
Guess that's all.
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