Mainly schoolies.
Yeah, I haven't done much stuff lately, just school-related mehhing around. I had some programming today which was a bit miserable lecture, since I just hate pointers. Those who have coded probably know what I'm talking about.
Anyways, I should get a new game tomorrow by mail. Something that has been missing my collection for too long. By listening to rumours, it's one of the best games of the console, so I let you try and guess what the game might be.
I've been spending this evening by drinking tea and installing Linux on one of my scrap computers. I'm just to get myself familiar with the Linux -type of operating system. At least it's free, although it's not an alternative for gamers.
I also got a new cooler for my desktop computer's CPU. The old one had gone bad and it kept a slight grinding noise all the time and it about pissed me off. The new one's quiet, and I can compute in peace once again.
Okie, off I go.
Fall back!
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