Man. Months later and the section hasn't been updated one bit. Thats just awful. Just take it off then, it looks horrible!
solar3137's forum posts
Hello gamespot staff and anyone else reading,
I just wanted to bring up something I was noticing when visting the mobile area of your website. I was really kind of excited when you announcedthe return of the mobile games section. However, after checking back numerous times since its launch, specifically the Android area, I have seen almost no updates at all.
I admit that Android gaming is somewhat new and awkward, but there have been some genuinely good games coming out lately and they haven't been represented at all on the site. I understand mobile phone gaming in general is a lower priority for your staff's time and lower in popularity and that the iphone is the premier phone platform for gaming at the moment and gets the majority of the attention, but if you are going to have an Android section at all, it might as well be done right or removed all together.
Android gaming is rapidly growing with all the phones being released in the last 6 months like the Droid with its keyboard or the Nexus1 with its exceptional screen,not even taking into accountphones soon to be released. Check out games by Polarbit as an example to great looking and controlling android games. There is an excellent game called ExZeus Arcade that is probobly the best game i've seen graphically. There are games from Camel Games, like Shoot U. There is a port of military madness. I'm just saying there are things to be played that are actually good and the section should at least reflect their existance for people looking to your site for direction. The Android section in its current state is a bit embarrassing.
Still love the site anyway (and the Hotspot podcast in particular!),
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