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solgrifter Blog

Blog time again! Admit it, you've missed me.

What a weekend. After a couple of lack luster matches these past couple of weeks. I finally got to wrestle in a six sided ring. At first I got a little lost, you really can't tell where to go at first but then you get the hang of it. The match me and four other guys had was increadible! I got in there with one of my favorite compeditors, Will Platinum and really threw down. It was probably a Ring of Honor quality match and that makes me happy. The crowd was the best part though, they make it worth us shaving years off of our lives.

Well it's almost that time again to leave, two weeks and it's back to Florida. Till then, I'm going back to watching TUF, TNA and other shows with acronyms.

-Thanks for stopping by.

Format failure

For some odd reason, when I try to contribute I can't get the bold part of the quotes right, it's all kinds of frustrating. If anyone is reading this, HELP!

Also I get to go to a NWA: TNA show this weekend. It should be fun, but you all read what happened at St. Paul's. I really don't want that kind of drama again.

To close it up, Blade was pretty wild last night. I mite just have to write a review.

Fun and excitement!

Time for some good news, I'll be at a show for UPWA in Wilmington, NC. If you're in that area on August 12th, check it out.

Now the bad, I've got to work the rifle range next week... :evil: I hate that! But I'll live.

I'm currently waiting for the Boondocks DVD to hit stores. There are a few episodes of that show that I haven't seen yet. (Hey, I do have a life away from the couch.) I am also diggin this Blade show. People if you could please help me out and watch it so we can see how far this rabbit hole goes. I still can't get over them allowing them to drop the S-bomb on TV. It's weird. But it is good to see  another superhero show. Hopefully it will do better than The Flash and M.A.N.T.I.S. but only time will tell....

New pic

If you look down to my about me section you will notice a new picture there. I am the one doing the slapping. If you want to see more, the site is ... That is all.

St Pauls (NC) is crazy!

What I have to post today is about an event that angers me and embarrasses me and fills me with pride at the same time. I know it sounds weird but, follow me now.


This past Saturday at St. Pauls National Guard Armory I had the honor and privilege to share the ring with The Stro and J. Steele in a triple threat match that was the clear cut match of the night. A crowd that was dead to the world for most of the night was rejuvenated by three guys and a girl trying to kill each other and at the end; the only winner was the audience. That was the good.


Now the bad.


During last match, a group of backyard wrest- excuse me: yard-tards.  They are untrained wrestlers that mutilate each other and call themselves wrestlers but they are anything but! (back to action) These chimps decide it’s a good idea to charge the ring. They jump the barricade and then a riot ensues. I watched one guy get bashed in the head 10 times with a chair and his blood pour out of his ear. NOW THAT’S A SHOOT! The big problem was that it took place in the crowd in front of God and everybody. Multiple kids got pushed around. People got trampled, it was a warzone. This is not wrestling, this is crap.


And now, the ugly.


We got to the back and I found another one of the wrestlers hurt up from falling earlier but was trampled by some people rushing to the fight. Nobody notice her go into shock except for me and one other guy. That’s terrible. We got her to the hospital in and all she had was a concussion, thank God.


That was one of the worst nights I’ve ever had. Another thing that really pushed me over the edge is that I was asked to locate one of the boneheads that tried to rush the ring. It turns out that he’s a Marine like me. Monday rolled around and, guess what people, this is the information age! I found him and where he works and yes, he will be brought to justice for his ignorant actions. I promised all the guys at the arena that I’d find him and stretch him out the Marine Corps way. You see the difference between fighting a boy and a man is that a man doesn’t have to touch you to hit you. I’ve been a man for a long time now and I’m going to knock him out. Nobody disrespects my sport, hurts my friends (directly or indirectly) and you never, EVER, smear my branch of service in the mud. He’s not a Marine, he’s a civilian in a pickle suit. But if I have my way, he won’t have that pickle suit to worry about much longer.


To forget one’s purpose is the commonest form of stupidity.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900)

I'll be in and out

I've got some submissions to do around the block as well as my wrestling gig. If you are in North Carolina around Fayettville, please check out Ring Wars Carolina on your local channels and suppor t us. (Shameless plug, I know.):wink:

New blog, good news (damn that's rare)

It's been a while and I know. I've been away from TV lately due to work and my busy travel schedule with wrestling. If you watch local TV in Fayettville, NC you can catch me every now and again on Ring Wars Caroliina (RWC) Battle ground. It's a good show and I had a cool match against a guy named Stixx.

I also got a chance to train with La Fletcha (a luchadore from Mexico City) and his students. That man is awsome and I can't wait for a match with him, he could really step my game up.

So far wrestling and Law and Order SVU have been all I've been able to watch. That and Smallville. The writting on that show has gotten weird, but I still like it.

I'll have more for you guys later but please feel free to send me a message.

I'll try to keep posting but for now, I've got to hit the forums and watch some more Gargoyles on DVD now that I've go it.

Once again: Ouch

Yes, I'm still a little banged up, but the good news is; my neck is nowhere near as stiff as it was yesterday. It doesn’t hurt when I turn left or right either. I’m going to take it easy until Saturday but still keep from killing myself or worst. I hate injuries, and moments of inactivity for that matter. But I’ll keep you’ll posted. I watched the Boondocks on Sunday. I have to say that show has some wild topics. I don’t really agree with the idea to boycott the show, I do agree that the N-bomb is dropped a lot but it’s still funny and does show an intelligent mind behind the scenes. I haven’t seen the MLK episode, but I heard it was good. It does make you wonder, how would Rev. King view our progress in race relations? I honestly do think he would be seen as overly sympathetic to terrorist acts because that’s definitely going against the grain in the public and political eye. Also in watching the show I do notice a first on television is a cannon character that is a self-loathing black person. YES they exist, his degree is obviously exaggerated, but yes, sadly, they exist. I’ve known a few in my travels and in a way, I can say I was one. I used to hate ignorant black people, now at 27 years of age, I hate ALL ignorant people. I can pity a stupid person, because they will eventually learn, but ignorant people in their hearts know better, but press on in spite of that. “You can’t save them all. But that doesn’t mean don’t try.” - SgtMaj Frank Corona, USMC 1) Curve the N-bomb use 2) Keep the edgy subjects And we'll all be happy.

Oooouuuuucccchhh! PERIOD!

Whoa, this Saturday can be described in one word: painful. As most of you know, I’m getting ready for the BIG debut this Saturday and my instructor has kicked training into high gear. Thursday we had a 30 min practice iron man match. For those of you that aren’t in the know, that means we wrestle spot for spot, transition for transition for half an hour. It was rough, I weigh 175, he’s around 250. Then Saturday was the rough one. We had a one hour triple threat with another student who’s a big power lifter. He rips phone books in half and plays with 100 pound kettle bells. They took turns throwing me around the ring, literally. I had to tell them that I’m not a ball! It was one of those days where nothing hurts; no matter what you do you feel great. And then there’s Sunday, when it all catches up to you… and then you go back to practice for some more. I helped train another new student. It was a great time and the weather was nice for a change. I am really anxious to get Saturday going. It will be with a big crowd and we have some former WCW stars on the roster. To really spice things up, some TNA guys will be there too. Good lord what have I gotten myself into? I’ll blog again when I have more time. Lessons learned: 1) Doing German suplex’s on a bigger man looks cool 2) Getting one done on you by a bigger man, hurts. Period.

What a weekend

This weekend has been a real trip. I left the whole in a ground known to most as Jacksonville, NC and whent to Fayettville. For those of you who are wondering "Grifter, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!" relax, I've been busy watching my new Flash the series dvds and learning pro wrestling. Yes, professional wrestling. It's something that I wanted to do at an earlier age but I had to make some survival decisions at that age that prevented me from attending to my dreams. I was that kid that didn't know what he wanted to be when he grew up. But I've been training with a former WCW star who is by far one of the best showman around. The crowd loves him eveywhere we go, it's uncanny. I've been training with him since November, it's been a rush. -More on that later, back to action- I got hooked up at a motel six and on Saturday, took of for local show. The first few shows where alright, local talent that put on a decent show. Then a bomb dropped. Some guys no-showed. Then they ask me to gear up and go out. If I where a lesser man, I'd crap myself. But pride and a light breakfast saved me that embarresment. I thought it was a rib until they said they where serious. With nerves rattling I geared up and whent out, had my brains beaten in and came back, it was a great time! Here's the real kicker: afterwards, they told me it was a TV taping! I waited until I got home to crap. But they all said it was a great spot, so I'm happy about that. Lessons learned: 1) Never wrestle in a mask you've never used before. 2) It's not a good idea to wrestle when you can't see. especially when your in the ring with a team called Bodily Harm.
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