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New blog, good news (damn that's rare)

It's been a while and I know. I've been away from TV lately due to work and my busy travel schedule with wrestling. If you watch local TV in Fayettville, NC you can catch me every now and again on Ring Wars Caroliina (RWC) Battle ground. It's a good show and I had a cool match against a guy named Stixx.

I also got a chance to train with La Fletcha (a luchadore from Mexico City) and his students. That man is awsome and I can't wait for a match with him, he could really step my game up.

So far wrestling and Law and Order SVU have been all I've been able to watch. That and Smallville. The writting on that show has gotten weird, but I still like it.

I'll have more for you guys later but please feel free to send me a message.

I'll try to keep posting but for now, I've got to hit the forums and watch some more Gargoyles on DVD now that I've go it.