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Once again: Ouch

Yes, I'm still a little banged up, but the good news is; my neck is nowhere near as stiff as it was yesterday. It doesn’t hurt when I turn left or right either. I’m going to take it easy until Saturday but still keep from killing myself or worst. I hate injuries, and moments of inactivity for that matter. But I’ll keep you’ll posted. I watched the Boondocks on Sunday. I have to say that show has some wild topics. I don’t really agree with the idea to boycott the show, I do agree that the N-bomb is dropped a lot but it’s still funny and does show an intelligent mind behind the scenes. I haven’t seen the MLK episode, but I heard it was good. It does make you wonder, how would Rev. King view our progress in race relations? I honestly do think he would be seen as overly sympathetic to terrorist acts because that’s definitely going against the grain in the public and political eye. Also in watching the show I do notice a first on television is a cannon character that is a self-loathing black person. YES they exist, his degree is obviously exaggerated, but yes, sadly, they exist. I’ve known a few in my travels and in a way, I can say I was one. I used to hate ignorant black people, now at 27 years of age, I hate ALL ignorant people. I can pity a stupid person, because they will eventually learn, but ignorant people in their hearts know better, but press on in spite of that. “You can’t save them all. But that doesn’t mean don’t try.” - SgtMaj Frank Corona, USMC 1) Curve the N-bomb use 2) Keep the edgy subjects And we'll all be happy.