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Oooouuuuucccchhh! PERIOD!

Whoa, this Saturday can be described in one word: painful. As most of you know, I’m getting ready for the BIG debut this Saturday and my instructor has kicked training into high gear. Thursday we had a 30 min practice iron man match. For those of you that aren’t in the know, that means we wrestle spot for spot, transition for transition for half an hour. It was rough, I weigh 175, he’s around 250. Then Saturday was the rough one. We had a one hour triple threat with another student who’s a big power lifter. He rips phone books in half and plays with 100 pound kettle bells. They took turns throwing me around the ring, literally. I had to tell them that I’m not a ball! It was one of those days where nothing hurts; no matter what you do you feel great. And then there’s Sunday, when it all catches up to you… and then you go back to practice for some more. I helped train another new student. It was a great time and the weather was nice for a change. I am really anxious to get Saturday going. It will be with a big crowd and we have some former WCW stars on the roster. To really spice things up, some TNA guys will be there too. Good lord what have I gotten myself into? I’ll blog again when I have more time. Lessons learned: 1) Doing German suplex’s on a bigger man looks cool 2) Getting one done on you by a bigger man, hurts. Period.