I've gotta go GCN>PS1>PS2 here.
SolidGuy's forum posts
Come on peasants, how long do you really think it's going to be until all your games are digital only and can't be sold or traded anymore? Five years? Ten? You know damn well that both Sony and Microsoft would love nothing more than to kill the entire used game market so they can take all the profit for themselves. Might as well get used to the idea now, because the writing is on the wall.
What was he buying, FIFA card packs or something?
Enjoy wasting $2000 a year on upgrades and buying $1000 worth of steam games you will NEVER play.
Enjoy wondering why you spent all this money to play terrible MMO's/RTS's with 2004 graphics.
Enjoy convincing yourself that somehow that $5000 PC supposedly has massive graphics difference compared to consoles for multiplat games.
Enjoy terrible mouse and keyboard controls.
Enjoy your fellow PC gamers who when you tell them your "awesome rig", they will bash you and tell you it sucks....LOL
Enjoy the life of a lonely man.
the next time you want to discourage someone from buying a PC , just come up with one true solid reason cuz this ..... this is some bullshit
I hope he was kidding, because this is some serious console peasant nonsense right here.
9/10 PC Game of the Year 2016
You're not going to miss terrible frame rates and resolutions with even worse image quality, overpriced games, no mods, being stuck with one controller, and online you have to pay for? Are you suuuuuure?
So wait, this game came out at $20 on PC and regularly goes on sale for 75% off ($4.99), but the PS4 port of the same version is going to be $30?
1. PC
2. 3DS
3. PS4
4. Wii U
5. Xbox One
6. Vita
Another portable system for Sony to all but abandon after a year or two, awesome!
I would say Fire Emblem Fates, but I already finished it. Other than that, XCOM 2 and nothing else.
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