Moving this over from the GameFAQs side. Remember that all of this will be much neater when a run skeleton proper is available.
To be clear I am going to enjoy my first run through since vanilla H run coverage means little.
Updates will still come for troublesome spots or any thoughts. I plan on abusing air grabs the entire time.
Prison of the Damned:
Intro- Dodge, attack.
Chase- Abuse grapple throw bugs.
Intro to throw mechanics- Bottleneck near the "front" of the area and throw to maximize damage.
First sword- Grab enemies throw them off the map for quick ring out. More bugs just grab n throw.
Hecatonchires S1P1- Heavy attacks. Evade the ones you see coming a mile away. My rage meter was full so I was hitting him with quite a bit of "spirit"
S1P2- Holes to evade side swipe. I was using the jump+triangle combo for damage but I'm not sure that it's necessary to jump. It isn't just be sure to avoid the holes when he goes for them.
Another fight more throws, bottleneck them into the passage they came out of. Seems to be a trend.
Hecatonchires S2P1- Chip away with square attacks finish with t. Brings him to QTE quite quickly.
S2P2(spittin bugs)- Use the grapple and throw for bugs for I-frames during this section, particularly useful when the boss goes for the swipe.
S2P3- Bugs for I-frames. Roll to one side when you see an attack coming from the boss and when he lands it make him pay for it.
Nothing really to the ending sequence for Hecatonchires. Go back and forth hitting with heavy attacks during the last part. For the first part, attack the pincers and use grapple/throw for i-frames as needed.
Village of Kirra- Handling of Juggernauts(?) similar to handling minotaurs from previous titles.
NOTE: The brutal kill is disgusting.
Grabbed Circe's something or other collectable and am pressing on....
NOTE: Red orb absorption seems to be similar to playing on the demo which I believe was "Normal" difficulty. I got my first upgrade shortly before the end of the Hecatonchires fight. Upgraded the blades and I am assuming I will max them before anything else.
First fight I died at:
Village of Kirra- Armored minotaur/3 satyrs/2 satyrs with projectiles- Quickly jump up the ledge and eliminate the 2 vomiting projectiles at you, this nonsense is not to be trifled with as it leaves you open to attack. Fire of Ares (FoA) seems good at destroying armor. All attacks are blockable at this point so chip away. Launch--->Ascension (pun intended)----->Air grabs. LRR.
Spent my next 5k orbs to upgrade the blades again. Pity that Spirit of Hercules is only available during "Rage" sequences. Ice seems nifty enough yet I have not been able to freeze anyone and have not seen the associated spell with it either.
I may move this over to TUGOWU since there seems to be no one partaking here.
You were right there are a lot of satyrs spread here and there. My way of dealing with them so far on H mode is breaking their armor and abusing the grapple (R1)+O to throw them at one another. Another good method seems to be launching them when given the opportunity. What you want to do is isolate one and then launch them to ascension and air grab. The Lightning element seems to work wonders at tying them up long enough to pick off one at a time. Most of their attacks also seem blockable so I haven't had too much trouble.
Flying Thing Before Temple of Delphi- Died quite a bit here because I was unsure of what I needed to block and what I needed to evade.
S1P1- I kept range until he came to the ground because this makes the attacks easily avoidable by evading.
When he comes to ground he will do a headbutt attack (block able) followed by a tail swipe, the latter of which you need to evade. His other attack is clapping his wings, which is also blockable but make sure you allow yourself extra time to hold block when you see this coming (as it still has the tendency to connect even if you are "blocking")
S1P2- The end of our little skirmish. This time he spits out the flying monsters that have been hatching from those growths from the ground previously in the game. As soon as he spits them isolate them with the grapple and throw them far away from him LRR until they are both dead then attack him.
He loses his wing clapping move during this stage, but his tail attack still needs to be avoided. I was trying to keep my distance and hit him with square attacks as much as possible. Another move to evade is him flailing his remaining wing around about 180 degrees and is not blockable. Again try to hit him with your series of square attacks.
NOTE: Even on H this boss or mini boss seemed to hit pretty hard. Patience and range were key to success on this one.
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