i got this new cheap PC and it has vista 512 ram and there nothing running and my ram is up 350 how do i reduce it :cry:
i just got battlefield and its lagging like crazy i think the problem is the ping how do i fix it and i had the online demo and it worked fine
i have a samsung SAMSUNG WS32Z419D how can i find out that my tv supports 1080i i need to know before i buy a ps3
here it is http://www.dixons.co.uk/martprd/store/dix_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1443369565.1171557737@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccfjaddkeieehegcflgceggdhhmdgmj.0&page=Product&fm=15&sm=1&tm=1&sku=222539&category_oid=-28595
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