- solidsolo’s Activity
@mediastupid1: hardly dead considering demand/supply. PS5 and Xbox hardware still very alive and strong. And where has Sega been lately? Not much of anywhere......
than don't make it woke
Rockstar is next....
@sheep99: Why? Everyone outside of the gaming industry is doing streaming services and ditching physical media. It's simply the way EVERY industry is going. Why would this fail? Gamepass is seeing...
@Barighm: Weak argument. maybe in some parts of the country where infrastructure is weak and more prone to happen. I maybe lose power 1-2 times a year for a few hours. Not enough for me to cancel ...
I love GamePass!!
@Vodoo: so much opinion in this post. Here's my opinion.... Valhalla is worth it alone!!
I totally forgot about this game...
@dragonsama: there is no truth behind this claim haha. I would pick the Series X over a PS5
@olddadgamer: totally see this logic. Wondering how many people will open up a Series S for Christmas and cry to mom&dad that they got the wrong one! haha
@rolento25: cool. but not related to article
ya this just reads... "Consumers have given up on locating Series X"
so is "released" the new word for "fired" ?
It is amazing from the small amount I've played so far. I'm waiting on my Series X to arrive before I experience it in all it's glory :)
I can't even get one through tracker apps. By the time something becomes available you have about .001 seconds to purchase... Unreal we are a year later and still can't find one unless you just ge...
I just want to be able to find a Series X first....
Funny with all the people in comments downing FB and the rebranding to Meta. You all will still use it and love it. You know why? Because we are cattle who want to escape into a "Ready Player One"...
Tired of this scalper crap. To this day I still have not been able to get my hands on a Series X. I've basically given up
I genuinely enjoy these games for a good solid 3-4 hours or so. But for some reason I feel like there is no carrot on the end of the stick to keep going. Grinding to get a car for one specific circ...
So basically the reviews are either "same old same old" or "if you loved the previous you'll love this one more!" The scores are all over the place. The Farcry formula is fun and exciting. Can't w...
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