I've realized that Sony is just an arrogant company that could probably careless for its customers. You get a PS2, right? You have to buy a memory card...or two. Then you have to buy extra controllers, BUT WAIT! In order to have decent multiplayer capabilities, you need a multi-tap! Then you might need some more controllers. And maybe it's just my system being retarded, but I can't play dvds without a remote! I believe Sony thinks too highly of itself. The PSP is even more ridiculous. Now the PS3 comes out with a wireless controller that lacks originality completely and rips off of Wii's motion sensor system, calls it their own, demands $600 to $700 for their system, more for its games, and for what? Better graphics? I don't know, what's better? A good game with crappy graphics or a lame game with the best graphics in the world? Sony sucks.
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