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someryguy7 Blog

how i had a xbox all nighter

i played from dusk to dawn Cod waw i was a us marene becuse i had 5000 kills that night not menthaning zoimbes i also beat the game on vetern it was non stop so i did not die once

how i beat gears of war 2 in 48 hours strait

i got gears of war 2 the day it came out and beat beat it in two days and i got evry caricter and found all the colectebiles .I loved gears of war so i knew when grears 2 came out. I would love it. I beat it in co-op in two i beat all 50 waves of hored in co-op also. I beat all the comstitle and snowblind maps. if you have xbox live my gamer tag is someryguy7.