Who are your choices for the worst presidents of the United states and why?
As with my previous list, this is going to be a VERY controversial list. This will be from the perspective of an lolbertarian. Meaning it'll contain many of the most beloved and popular presidents of U.S. history. I'll get a lot of flak for sharing my top 10 least favorite presidents. Here goes nothing.
1. Woodrow Wilson:
- Created the Federal Reserve.
- Entered World War I and brutally occupied numerous countries.
- Racially segregated the military and endorsed the KKK.
- Incarcerated protesters with the "Espionage Act of 1917".
- Instituted prohibition.
- Supported eugenics.
- Instituted the federal income tax.
- Nationalized the economy.
- Imposed draft conscription.
- Authorized "Palmer Raids".
2. Abraham Lincoln:
- Intentionally provoked the Civil War.
- Unconstitutionally suspended habeas corpus.
- Ordered mass execution against the Sioux Indians.
- Signed the "National Bank Act".
- Censored the press and imprisoned political protesters without trial.
- Introduced the "Greenback" currency.
- Introduced the U.S.'s first income tax.
- Instituted a military draft.
- Ordered martial law and restricted firearms via "Proclamation 113".
- Deported freed black slaves to Liberia and Haiti.
3. Franklin D. Roosevelt:
- Allowed the Pearl Harbor attack to drag the U.S. into World War II.
- Authorized the firebombing of Dresden, Hamburg, and Tokyo.
- Forcefully moved Japanese, Italian, and German citizens into internment camps.
- Served four terms.
- Imposed gun control via "National Firearms Act of 1934".
- Signed the "National Industrial Recovery Act".
- Enacted laws without the approval of the Supreme Court.
- Suspended the "Gold Standard" and seized gold from citizens.
- Authorized the "Manhattan Project".
- Raised numerous taxes.
4. Lyndon B. Johnson:
- Lied about the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" to justify an undeclared war against Vietnam.
- Covered up Israel's deliberate attack on the USS Liberty.
- Caused massive deficits with the "Great Society" program.
- Passed the "Gun Control Act of 1968".
- Signed the egalitarian "Civil Rights Act of 1964".
5. George W. Bush:
- Began the illegal Iraq war.
- Signed the "Patriot Act".
- Enacted "No Child Left Behind".
- Signed the 2008 bailout.
- Created the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
6. Barrack Obama:
- Killed four U.S. citizens without due process.
- Expanded Bush's drone strike program.
- Invaded Libya without Congressional approval.
- Passed the "NDAA".
- Expanded domestic government surveillance via "PRISM".
7. Harry S. Truman:
- Lead an unnecessary war in Korea without congressional approval.
- Authorized the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- Nationalized the steel industry to fund war efforts.
- Took control of railroads by threatening to draft railroad workers.
- Created the CIA and NATO.
8. Ronald Reagan:
- Responsible for the "Iran-Contra Affair".
- Invaded Grenada and funded the Mujaheddin.
- Tripled the national debt.
- Expanded the "War on Drugs".
- Raised taxes to increase Social Security.
9. William McKinley:
- Started the contrived "Spanish-American War".
- Annexed Hawaii.
- Raised taxes to fund imperialist policies.
- Signed the "Dingley Act".
- Intervened in the "Boxer Rebellion".
10. Richard Nixon:
- Permanently ended the "Gold Standard".
- Created the EPA.
- Created the DEA.
- Authorized the bombing of Cambodia and Laos.
- Prolonged the "Vietnam War".
Dishonorable Mentions
- Dwight D. Eisenhower:
- Authorized the "1953 Iranian coup d'etat".
- Authorized the "Guatemelan Coup of 1954".
- Laid the groundwork for the "Vietnam War".
- Deported 80,000 Mexicans.
- Authorized the CIA's assassination attempt at Fidel Castro.
- William J. Clinton:
- Bombed a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan.
- Passed the pro-gun control "Brady Bill".
- Authorized NATO intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo.
- Authorized the Waco siege.
- Authorized Iraqi sanctions that killed half a million Kurdish children.
- Theodore Roosevelt:
- Expanded the power of the Executive Branch.
- Imperialistic foreign-policy.
- Advocated eugenics.
- Planted the seeds for the FDA.
- Used the army to stop the "Coal Strike of 1902".
- George H.W. Bush:
- Started the "Gulf War".
- Broke campaign promise by raising taxes
- Increased military spending and welfare.
- Authorized "Operation Restore Hope" in Somalia.
- Invaded Panama.
- John Adams:
- Initiated the "Quasi-War".
- Signed the "Alien and Sedition Acts".
- Raised taxes.
- Appointed John Marshall to the Supreme Court.
- Passed the "Midnight Judges Act".
- Herbert Hoover:
- Started "Mexican Repatriation".
- Controlled prices.
- Created the Dept. of Education.
- Signed the "Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act".
- Signed the "Norris La Guardia Act".
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