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my PSP ideas, for all to enjoy

*Talking GPS Guidance System

Theyre starting to sell these things for pretty cheap now, and since I already have a peice of hardware very capable of doing it, I'd rather just buy a little usb satellite adapter and turn my PSP into a GPS than have another device for that.

*Voice Recoginition Typing

Through the use of the socom headset, the process of typing in the browser could be easily simplified with some voice recognition program that allows you to talk instead of type.

*Text Messaging

It would be kinda slow typing messages back (unless you have the aforementioned voice recognition typing), but its one thing I wish I could do. its one of the features of a PC I use a lot that I currently cant use on the go (I dont want to pay for the feature on my cell phone). it could turn this into an even better all-in-one.

*Built-in Video Conversion Software

you can download any sort of video from the internet to your common folder, but to watch it on the psp, you'll need to transfer it to a pc, convert it, then transfer it back. if you could convert any video file you download to the correct psp format on the psp itself, it could make the psp's online features far more desirable. I realize, this would take a lot of room on the memory stick to have 2 copies of one video (temporarily), but larger sticks are coming out, and there are a lot of small video files out there.

*Multi-tasking abilities

I dont know how hard this would push the psp's hardware, but if I could listen to music or an rss feed and browse the internet/my photos that would be a huge advancement in killing time on the go. the biggest issue I see with this is that it would kill the battery much faster. sony should work on that too.

*Eyetoy/Webcam Camera

This one is pretty obvious, having eyetoy like games on your psp or video conferencing with people on the internet or their psp, taking photos for your collection, etc. it wouldnt quite be the workout the ps2 version is, since only your head will be available for movement while holding a psp (and you could cheat by just moving your psp) but its still a cool feature.

*E-Books reader

Sony is trying to push their other dedicated e-book reader with the 6 inch screen, but I wouldnt mind being able to store and read books from my PSP either. I realize this can be done with the browser, but its not exactly ideal.

*Photo Editing Software

When I get a picture off the internet that doesnt fit quite right on my psp screen, rather than transfer, edit, transfer back, If I could just crop and/or rotate that photo right there, that would eliminate at least 1 headache. Additionally, if the camera gets made, you might want to make some enhancements.

*Remote UMD Access

I hate having to carry around so many damn umds. if I could store them in a jukebox like tower at home and have access to them from there it would help to make a portable machine far more portable. I dont know the feasability of this proposition, since without wifi and a location free player I dont know how you'll interact with the tower, and there is already known to be a lag with that method, but crazier thing have happened, right. right?

*File Renaming/Moving Capability

Why cant I change the name of a file on my psp.. on my psp? why cant I move a file from one folder to another within my psp from my psp? I dont know, but I sure wish I could. especially when the display name for an mp3 turns out to be different than what I expected.

*Remote Control Music Operation

PSP is a music player, yes, but is it a convenient one? no. if I could use my little headphone remote to switch my psp from standby to on and in the music folder without taking it out of my pocket I might actually use it as an music player. naturally, it wouldnt turn the screen on, and I imagine you'd need to buy a new remote since the one we've got now is pretty featureless, but I think its worth it for that convenience. likewise, you would be able to put it back on standby from from the remote.