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My New 3DS Impressions

So I decided to upgrade to the New 3DS so I kinda want to write up an impression on what I think about it and comparing it to my old 3DS.

First is when comparing it to my original 3DS, and like wow is it a big difference! A complaint I had with the original is the glossy finish all over the system that I didn't like and having leaving finger prints on it. Now the New 3DS still does have a gloss finish on the outside of the handheld but at least the inside where the screens and buttons are have a matte texture that feels really nice, its almost like the DS Lite but I guess newer?

Now speaking of screens and buttons, I did not like them on the original. The screen was smaller than the PSP screen and when I was playing Kingdom Hearts 3D it kinda bothered me and the buttons to me were really tiring to press after awhile when playing a beat em up like Senran Kagura. Thankfully now since this this is the XL version the screen and buttons are I feel about the same as my PS Vita's which is good. Also the Start and Select are moved to below the ABYX much like the DS Lite only a little bit bigger and easier to press. There is also 2 more shoulder buttons added to the handheld which I guess will be used for future games coming.

As for its performance the New 3DS definitely is improved compared to the original and its noticeable such as loading times for games or opening apps like the Eshop are faster, so opening games like Smash Bros where you had to restart the system when you exit out of it is effortless now. The download speed is also an improvement, I downloaded a patch for Pokemon X and it surprisingly download really fast and also from videos I saw downloading demos it's faster too. Also cause it's more powerful we will be getting games just for the system like Xenoblade so I'm kinda looking forward to that, also has better battery life.

The 3D is also improved, from what I understand they added another camera that tracks the players face so you can view the 3D in better angles but definitely not all. I does make games with gyro controls like Star Fox where your moving around a lot better to view in 3D.

Now as for the new C-Stick that they added, it's not really what I initially thought it was gonna be. Its basically this really stiff rubber nub that you can't really move around at all, you basically put pressure in a direction you want and it for the most part does works. Playing Kingdom Hearts 3D with it as my camera is nice but I feel like I'm fighting with the C-Stick and pushing hard on it in order to move the camera the way I want it. Also being a Smash player I don't find using the C-Stick for my aerials to be very good cause sometimes I get the wrong move so I just find it better to do the move normally without it, for smashes though they seem fine to use. Maybe with time and practice I can get use to it but for now I don't really like how the new C-Stick is.

Overall I really do like the New 3DS, if you don't own a 3DS this is definitely the one you wanna get. Just be warned that it does not come with a charger, the system already does come with a 4 GB micro SD card with it though but if you want more memory your gonna have to buy a bigger micro SD, also don't forget about the games too so it'll really add to your cost for the handheld.

If you already own a 3DS, I guess it really depends with you. For me I was kinda bother by some things with my old 3DS that the New 3DS does corrects that while isn't necessary, does help a lot. Also the added features too are a nice touch so I kinda felt like I had my monies worth. The only thing I'm picky about the New 3DS is that the outside of it is still glossy and the C-Stick being this stiff nub that you kinda have to push hard on, also the cost for me which was like $257 here in Canada cause our dollar kinda sucks right now....

With that in mind, I recommend it.

Features I want in Super Smash Bros. Wii U/ 3DS that aren't just characters

So I wanted to make a list of things I want in the new Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. Now this isn't going to be a list wishlist of characters I want in the game though Sakurai if your reading this, which your not... then give me Falco and Lucina...

Anyways this is gonna be like a list of features I want added or improved or whatever so it can be the game that I think everyone would want. So in no real order I'll just write them down here.

Vastly improved online play for a number of things, I don't think anyone will denie that Brawl's online play was not very good, so I want a netcode that is superior than what we had to work with in the past. Namco Bandai is developing the game and I hear that their fighting game's online is one of the best online play right now so use that please!

Custom matchmaking, quick matches, maybe ranked? I want to be able to choose to do 1v1, no items with someone on the internet instead of 4 player free for all or team battle that I had to deal with in Brawl, unless you had friends then you could 1v1 if you wanted but they're not always playing.

A lobby system with rotation and not just with friends, that means like the loser is switched out for another player waiting in lobby and they have say 10 seconds or something to join the next game or else the next guy waiting will be able to join or something like that. Have the host be able to freely change the rule set if they wish to and set a ruling where if a person has a steak of say 5 wins then they are forced to switch with another waiting. Also be able to spectate and mic/text chat matches going on while waiting. In Brawl the name edit thing was the way to chat or just say silly things before a match and its just silly doing things like that, now you might not be able to curse but at least then we'd be able to chat with eachother.

If a player disconnects, have them turn to CPU's instead of the match disband, I can't tell you how much this has pissed me off when playing Brawl. Also have the players name show up online, this only showed up in friend matches so I want too able to be like, "oh it's that guy again", or "aww man, that guy", and avoid them or kick them out.

Online tournements, now this my be just me but I want to do online tourneys. Now I don't know how many people would be willing to wait for everyones match to pass cause that will be hella long, so the way I see it is everyone plays their match at the same time and those who win go up the tree and like wait for the next person they fight and then they go at it, while the losers can either leave the tourney and do something else or stay to watch the matches or something like that. That's just my idea so that you don't have to wait so long for everyone.

Be able to do single player modes online, in Brawl you had the choice to co op with a friend to play the single player modes so why not be able to play them online too? I know you can do Home-Run and Multi-Man but let me have other options too.

Be able to play on custom stages online, now I know you'd probably all need to have the same custom stage but I'd like to see this work somehow instead of playing them offline only, maybe have it like every few days your given custom stages people made, that way everyone would have them and if you like the stage you have save it on you hard drive if you want.

Be able take photo's, upload them to social media sites like Facebook or even Twitter, and even able to save replays and upload them to Youtube. I can't stress how many replays I have sitting in my Wii and how much I want to show them but not be able to because I don't have a capturing device and I'm not going to just point a camera at the TV. So would love to have this feature in the game, hell Dead or Alive 5 does it, why not Smash Bros. too?

Customizable controls, like Brawl I want this back. I want everyone to play how they are comfortable assigned via name entire. That way you don't have to do button checks everytime before you do a match.

Now the next few are just things they could put in if they wish to do so. In Melee most characters had a meteor smash move, but in Brawl some characters meteor smash turned into divekicks but I guess it kinda did spike but put you in danger. So what I want is the choice for those characters to do a spike or divekick, maybe have it that if you press/tap say Down and A you do a meteor smash but if you press Down and hold A you do a divekick. I just think this would be better and if you kill yourself with a divekick but ment a spike it's your fault though maybe if was you controller...

Option to turn on/off stage hazards, now I like any stage really but I'm not going to lie when I do play well but the stage will turn on me and lose, just saying.

Have it so characters that have a grapple move be able to latch onto the stage instead of on the ledge much like Melee.

A fourth taunt, in Smash 64 and Melee you had one taunt. In Brawl you had 3 taunts but the 2 side ones left/right were the same so having 4 taunt buttons on the Dpad would be kinda nice to have and it adds for more.

Now of course we live in the age where things are digital and have add on's so if Nintendo really wanted to they could do DLC characters for the game, I do have mixed feelings for this of course but I think the game will last for quiet a long time till the end of the Wii U's life cycle so adding characters and such may be a good for us to come back to the game and keep playing.

Now this is just what I feel they should do for this game and hopefully if Sakurai see's this, which I doubt.. then they can add these things. Most of these come from my experience from Brawl and what other fighting games have done and had to offer. I'm probably missing more things but this is all I can think up right now. Of course there are some characters I'd like to see but it's not up me to choose what will be in the game.

UPDATE 1: If Pokemon Trainer returns have if you can switch which trainer you can be from each generation and also switch genders.

Tell me what you think of this list of things and what you'd like to see the game have to make it better?

Topic about violence and gore or whatver it is...

So I kinda want to make this topic now since GTA V is out now. A little while ago me and a friend were watching the movie Prometheus. [SPOILERS I GUESS] There was a scene where the girl had to remove an alien creature that was in her so I kinda just left and came back. When I came back he asked why I left, one the movie was kinda boring but the other reason was I can't really handle the blood or gore that was going on. Now I'm the type of guy that don't really like horror or scary movies because I kinda like cringe when people get cut up and blood stuff coming out. Because it looks real I can't deal with it. We then had a topic about the matter.

So he stated or said like, "see films and video games don't cause the violence in the world". And I 100% agree, first off they aren't real, OK films can look really violent and real, but they're not real and is a form of entertainment. When topics like a video games caused an act of violence in the news, we will just jump in and say no that is not the case. We have been dealing with these kinda things for years on years because we know and will defend what we love. I think you all and I should know that there's a limit to what we can and can't do in life. "Your telling me I can do a million cuts at some random person in just a few seconds and they won't die?" Come on now, we know thats not possible. "I can shoot a person in the head and get away with it?" Nope you going to jail now. It's things like this that we just can't do in life, how many of you say something like "dude I'll kill you if you lose this" or "man I'd kill to get my hands on that", those are just eggagerated things we say, we're not gonna go out of our we to do something like that. Video games are like that too, guy gets stabbed and like gallons of blood just sploosh out like that, I think he should be dead by then but nope still alive. I mean it looks awesome but its eggagerated and not real. So basically there's a barrier between whats real and not and what we can't do.

When it comes to say children that play violent things that they are not old enough to play I would say it is up to the parent or guardian with them to teach them that it's not real and they can't be doing these kinda things in life. Now I played GTA San Andreas when I was 10-12 at a friend's parent's house, and their son who was probably in his 20's I think, handed me the controller and played the game, and I thought it was amazing at the time and borrowed it cause I guess he trusted that I know better. I told a friend that I was playing the game and I'd use to often go to his house and we played the game together. Now we were not old enough to play these games yet, but we knew better than to try and act it out in real life and still do. It's funny, I was playing UMVC3, which is not really very violent really, and my sister was watching me play and said, "man this game is violent", and I was like really??? Now I don't think she really played video games back then and shes like 10 years older than me. But that basically tells me that we were born in different Era's. My teacher in highschool talked about how back in the days when news hit that a person died it was really big, but now a days when it happens it not a big deal, I mean OK it's sad and we fell sorry it happened, but now because we hear about it all the time in this generation we're so use to it now and just move on in our lives.

Anyways, I'm losing track of what I'm writing right now, my friend I was talking about this with told me to write this topic so here it is I guess... My sister has 2 children so I'm an uncle of a nephew and niece now so when the time comes and they pick up the controller I'll have to step in and do my part.


Edit: So the apparently the topic was about how video games are way different because I play violent games, but I can't watch violent or gory movies cause it's more real than video games. So games are less likely to **** people up than movies so blame movies. Yeah, I don't remember the topic well at all...

I did not buy GTA V

So I went to Eb Games and saw that there was a big line for GTA. I think I was the only guy there that wasn't there to get the game... Instead I was there to get Killer is Dead cause I saw there was a sale on it for $40. Finally made it to the counter and told the guy there I wasn't there for GTA and he seem kinda surprised, so I got the limited edition for Killer is Dead for 40 bucks which I not expecting and pre ordered the limited edition for Ys Memories of Celceta for the Vita.

So yeah, kind of an akward day but I got a win I guess... At one point I'll get GTA V but not now, maybe when its cheap.


Thoughts on used games

So over the years I've been going to EB/Gamestop, I've notice the amount of used games there are at the store. The most recent game I got used was Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 Sigma which I recently had an urge to play for some reason, pretty good stuff. So the main point I wanna point out is that whenever I walk into a store, about maybe 1/4 of the walls, maybe less then that actually, is filled with used games. This is actually really sad to look at, whenever I see it I'm just like "man just look at all these used games gradually pilling up", and just some of the conditions that they are in too. Another thing I wanna point out are gutted copies of games. This is when they take a couple of new sealed games, open them and put them on the shelve for display. Worst case is when they run out of new sealed copies and have to resort to selling the guuting copy to the customer, fpr the same price. First off, if you open a new copy of a game, its now used, I don't care what you say. Even if its "like new" its stil like used now son. Honesty I think if your going to gut copies of games you might as well just sell them used now. Another thing are prices, now 5 bucks less for used I'm fine with that I guess. But sometimes when you have a used copy that cost more than the new then there something wrong, maybe its an outdated sticker tag or they're just lazy to just change it which I can understand I guess.


But yeah, thats's mainly some of the stuff I wanted to talk about. What are your thoughts on the whole used games situations. Do you buy used games? Why do you buy them? Is it because you proably can't find them anymore or cause they're cheaper? Do you not like it? I'd like to know.

Finally Beated Ar Tonelico 2

ar tonelico

After a long time, pretty much since the release of this game, I have finally beaten this game! This is one of the most interesting RPG's I have ever played. Though there are some flows in this game, I find that it was indeed worth playing. At first when I found this game on Gamespot I was like "This looks like @$#!" Really. Then after its release my friend told me to buy it. His reason was because it looked like 2 girls kissing, which is not true. So I went on researching about the game and found that it had elements of visual novels in it. So I figured sure why not. As time passed I grew to like the game, especially the art done by Nagi Ryou who has become one of my favorite artist. Now that I have beaten it time to move on, mainly to Ar Tonelico 3. Its been fun but its time to say goodbye.

Those wondering I went with Lady Cloche~!

Will do a review sometime.

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3


Wow it's actually true, well when I saw the trailers and such I just went nuts and got hyped easily! And since the rest of roster got leaked I I'm sold. Though I kinda have mix feelings about this one. Don't get me wrong, I'm buying the game, but I kinda feel ripped that I had to pay for its predecessor for more than $59.99. Not only that but 6 months after its release they announce this. Well that's my feeling to this, getting the game in November no matter.

Here to an Arcade Edition for the next update...

So is the Nintendo DS like dead now?...

It seems that way to me, then again they discontinued the DSLite so I guess it makes sense. Seriously though there's like nothing good comimg out anymore, just lame third party stuff. The only 2 good games coming later this year and next are like Kirby Mass Attack and Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2... Though I guess all atention now is on the 3DS. I really should have bought one when I had the chance and now I'm poor... Though the only game I want really is Kingdom Hearts and maybe Zelda, maybe even Star Fox 2(get it?). Well as long as I save up money and don't spend it freely (like I did...) then I'm sure I'll have enough later this year, hopefully before the holidays. Hell maybe it will drop in price (doubt it though...).

Some games that I liked in 2010

These are some of the games that I played and liked in 2010. I'm not gonna put them any top 10 order cause there are some games in 2010 that I haven't gotten around to play yet so yeah, no top 10.

Arc Rise Fantasia

As much as Ignition F@CK up the locaization for this game, it still had a pretty good story, even though I had to go through the horrible voice acting...

Blazblue: Continuum Shift

Awesome fighting game, way better the Calamity Trigger. Nice 2D sprites and kick ass epic music.


A nice 2D shoot-em up. I'm begining the like these kinda game so lets hope Cave releases more of these games over here. Also loli's!!

Fragile Dreams: Farwell Ruins of the Moon

Man I loved how well made this game is. Love the story, music the environment and voice acting, thank god Xseed didn't give this game up.

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Who knew yarn and games can mix well, if done right. Kirby will make you feel good inside, everything is cute.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

My god, epic man! We finally fill those holes in the story.

No more Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

Was pretty fun. All I can say is that it's too short, really short. So it it wasn't as good as the first.

Star Ocean: The Last Hope: International

Technically I already played this on the Xbox but that's what makes it better. It's all in one disc!!!

Super Street Fighter 4

The king of fighters man! No not that one but KOF13 is pretty fun.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars

Fun Capcom crossover too, just wish maybe it had a bigger cast, and maybe some other cool stuff.

So yeah, hopefully I get around the other games I haven't played yet soon. Tell me whats good maybe I'll check it out. Oh and Happy New Year!!!

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