What is wrong with you guys!? Not a single Metal Gear Solid 4!? WTF is up with that? Now I can definitely see GTA4, but seriously MGS4 is by far number one in my book! I mean it's the only game I've ever wanted to put a pre-order on, even though I don't own the system yet! Now 3rd-person shooters are the way to go!!! 1st-person games just don't immerse you in the game like 3rd-person ones do! HALO really is not that special, I've played 1 and 2, and sure they are pretty solid shooters, but nothing that super spectacular. MGS is one of the greatest series in existence! June 12th here we come!
Oh Yeah, love the last post: RELEASED - Sonic Adventure(Playing right now!)! Good Stuff! Can't believe I wasn't expecting the release of that game! And even worse haven't gotten around to play it til now, being the massive Sonic Fan I am!
Sonic the Hedgehog, by far better then Mario in all aspects (Besides newer 3-D games)!
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