I was always drawn in by story and character. That actually kind of transcends for me into any game, but particularly with adventure, I like to feel addicted to the journey and the storyline, I want to not be able to put it down, like a good book! I can't stand obscure 'busy-work' puzzles, where problem leads to problem leads to problem. For instance, you need to open this door, but the key is missing. You find the key, but it's broken. You go to the key-maker to get the key fixed but the key-maker has had all his equipment stolen- see where I'm going with this? I reckon a well thought out, well plotted, compelling and stimulating game won't need to take cheap shots at the player like that. So for me the best things are a complex and involving storylines, characters I care for, diverse and unrepetitive gameplay, and a good scare here and there. Top marks then for Dreamfall, Titanic, Adventure out of Time and Grim Fandango.
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