Hey guys im fairly new to Gamespot and I really needed somewhere to post my reviews on games. I know that the time for reviews of the the games of 2007 has almost come to an end, but man were there some great games that came out this year. I mean I can remember watching E3 on G4 and trying to decide how I am going to get all the money to buy all these upcoming blockbuster titles. I mean the fall season of titles were so amazing it started off with one of the most thought provoking titles in gaming Bio-Shock. Then came Halo 3, the Orange Box the greatest value in gaming history. Then a reinovated Call of Duty which takes place in the modern era. Then you had another brilliant work done by Bioware in their creation of Mass Effect, and then the geniusus at Ubisoft Montreal forming the long awaited Assassin's Creed. We also had some of the biggist moves with Bioware/Pandemic moving to EA making EA into more of a fomiable giant than they already were, and then the merging of Vivendi and Activision and then the shock heard around the world when Bungie decided to up and leave Microsoft studios.
But we cannot forget the bad and dissipointments of 2007 like the dalay of GTA until March and the horriblness that was Two Worlds.
But all in all it has been an unforgetable and monumental year in gaming and I will never forget and oh will I miss it so much, I guess all I can do is hope for the best in 2008, can't wait to send my reviews out to you get next year. Peace.
-Wyatt Railey aka Gamer's Advocate
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