Yeah, I would have to agree with everyone that believes that PC gaming is on the raise. I mean just look at the history; you have WoW, which won game of the year, and now Age of Conan, and FarCry 2. And yeah people say that AoC and FarCry 2 are multi-platform, but we all know that those two games will be by far superior on the PC then on the PS3 and XB360.
Im really loving GTA IV and would really recommend this game to anyone who is about to get a 360 and to anyone who has a 360; it going to be an amazing game.
Ok, a guy in my vent was talking about the upcoming age of conan and that i probaly would not be able to run it. He said though if i could run oblivion then i could run age of conan. So my question is can i run oblivion with:
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