That's right...I'm back to tell you I have a new account. Some of you may have already followed it, but it's Darkmario1. Hope you follow me from there. Oh and also...I am quitting this account just to use that one. Ok, see you there!
-sonicr2u :D
That's right...I'm back to tell you I have a new account. Some of you may have already followed it, but it's Darkmario1. Hope you follow me from there. Oh and also...I am quitting this account just to use that one. Ok, see you there!
-sonicr2u :D
Yes, this picture is beastly, isn't it?
Anyway, I want everybody participating in the All Time Greatest Game Villian tournament to vote for Bowser the beastly Koopa!!! Also, if you're not voting for Bowser, tell me who you are voting for! (...I still wish you'd vote for Bowser...)
In other news, I'm back in school on Tuesday...:( As boring as it sounds, it isn't. It's even more boring! I'm in a portable. That means lots of toture during the winter. Brrrrr!:x
Peace out to the Gamespot world! -yours truly, sonicr2u
Most of my list are Nintendo games. :P
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (WII)
I think it is very suiting for a Mario game to be first. Yoshi appears in this great sequel to the previous. Feed him various fruits and he will run fast, etc. New power-ups include Cloud Mushrooms, Rock Mushrooms, etc. Best Mario Game yet.
Photo Dojo (DSI)
Best Dsiware ever! That's why.
Expect more posts later!
Now I am back on!!! I had a temporary change of heart on this site, but that's gone now. The point is I'm on again. Yay!!!
Graham is actually stupider than you think. Guess what?
He says SSBB causes a virus to your Wii.
First of all, Graham doesn't have the game. So how would he know? Second of all, I have it and I know for a fact nothing happens. Third of all, it's made by NINTENDO, the creator of the Wii. So they wouldn't destroy their own system.
Graham's a #$$*@ idiot! Bye. :twisted:
Well, my room is still so annoying, so I'll go find a new shelf. My old shelf is wooden, and my game collection is worth an estimated $3,000,000, so it may not be the brightest idea. My Wii is in a different room, so I think I'll put the shelf there. For nostalgia, I'm going to see a friend that a haven't seen in half a year!!!That's right, and she's the one I borrowed Animal Crossing: Wild World for Wii from!!! She has a baby sister, that is 1 year old now. She keeps her DISCS in a disc pocket! THAT should be MY idea!
Thanks for your good ideas you sent in last blog! PEACE!
You see, it's March Break, so I have a lot of time on my hands. I've been playing Wii a lot, now I'm forgetting: Where will I keep my Wii games. I paused the game once to think about that stuff...Does some one have a suggestion? My room is overflowing with games...where do you keep 'em?
Woohoo! Now March Break is on for us, and I'm soooooooo happy!!! 8) During the March Break, Diary of a Wimpy Kid
The Movie will come out (March 19)! We're not goin' anywhere, so I can relax...sorry for a short blog...:P
Alright, let's get this out of the way. I FOUND MY DS LITE!!! That's right, they found it under the couch at the store. My dad came to pick me up, cuz I was FAR from home. So I drove to my Grandpa's, where I keep all my non-Nintendo systems. Oh, except for the SNES. I keep it there.
Some other good newz, XD, I got every single character in Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing!!!This rox!!! The Chuchu pilots suck!!! On the Wii at least...
Bad newz: My report card got me my new lowest mark: a c. Thnx to Miss Stanko AKA stinko! ;) Some other bad newz,my Frogger game doesn't work. GRRRR!
Today I just chilled and walked inside a store with my cousins. My DS lite was in my pocket. The only problem was that it was in my SWEATER pocket. So it wasn't that easy to keep track of. I picked out Frogger for the Atari 2600. In the back I got to play it. My pocket seemed lighter than usual, but I ignored it. Then I took the game home. I went to the parking lot...and wanted to play my DS. But, I checked my pocket and I LOST it. I ran in the store and checked all over the place. It was gone. I left the details with the store owner and my name. Then I took off, hoping they'd find it.
So, dearest Gamespot friends, I hope you have your fingers crossed for me during the search for the lost DS lite. :cry::cry:
No, seriously, keep 'em crossed. PLEASE!
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