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My BROKEN Xbox360

A while ago, I was playing Halo 3 when I got this message: There's a problem with the disc you're using. It may have dirt or scratches on it. Well, I checked to see what was wrong, and guess what? The disc was MELTED, and so was the INSIDE!!! I was so angry, because that would've ruined my Xbox experience forever, but I had a backup plan. I called Microsoft and told them what happened. They said I could send in the Xbox and wait 2 weeks for it to return fixed. So I did. 2 weeks later, almost 3 weeks, it wasn't there. I called them and they said there was a delay. I didn't mind it THAT time, but this kept happening! So, for the very last time, I called them and said I wanted a refund and I didn't want them to return it. Now I don't have an Xbox and I am playing PS3 and Wii. One last thing:Xbox ok?!I look inside and say: I can't doubt it's gonna melt!:roll: